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“Painter Frequently Asked Questions in various Painter job interviews by interviewer. The set of questions are here to ensures that you offer a perfect answer posed to you. So get preparation for your new job interview”

126 Painter Questions And Answers

101⟩ What kinds of paints do you use?

I use Vallejo (both the Model Color and GameColor lines), Games Workshop (including their inks), Reaper, and Tamiya Clear acrylic paints.


103⟩ What do you use to prime your figures? Do you prime black or prime white?

Choice of primer color should not be an "all or nothing" affair. For figures that use a lot of metallics, I use black. For figures using lots of lighter colors (perhaps white robes) or NMM, I use white. All of my bases are primed black before drybrushing. And for most of my figures, I will prime different parts of the model with different colors (for example, I will mask off faces on black primed models, and prime the face white - flesh is hard to paint over black). I use spray cans (GW black primer is excellent, but I dislike their white), airbrush priming (for nice smooth consistency, I only do batches of figures with the airbrush due to setup time) and brush-on priming (usually Vallejo White GameColor primer).


105⟩ Which figure lines do you like painting the most?

In order of "pleasure to paint, most to least", I would rank the manufacturers (for me, personally):

- Rackham (Confrontation)

- Games Workshop

- Warmachine

- Reaper

However, all 4 make excellent models and each have their own flavor.


107⟩ What brushes do you use?

For drybrushing and base work (hard on brushes) I use old Games Workshop brushes I have from a long time ago. For the main paintjob, I use Winsor and Newton Series 7, sizes 000,00,1 and 2. I also use a GW tank brush sometimes - those are excellent for large models in terms of laying down primer or drybrushing large base areas. My tank brush has lasted me a very long time.


110⟩ What are some of the tools you find useful in your work area?

Aside from the obvious brushes and brush tub, I use small modeling files (I like the ones that are rounded on one side, flat on the other), a sculpting tool (for epoxy putty work), a jewelers saw, the dremel, a desk-vice (also made by the dremel company), exacto knives (careful!), a steel ruler (which I often lose), scissors, a dust buster (shockingly useful to keep the area clean of metal filings), an airbrush, plastic pallets from Michael's craft store, a desktop paint shaker from Micro Mark, tweezers (small modeling ones), and clippers - one set for cutting metal and one set designed to cut plastic parts off sprues (very useful! Thanks Mark!).


111⟩ What do you use for bases?

I use plaster molded rocks sold at hobby stores, real rocks, aquarium rocks, reptile bark, static grass, flock, sand in various grits, plasticard in various styles (you can buy it plain or with grooves and tiles pre-engraved), metal modeling mesh (sold at hobby stores), Woodland Scenics Water Effects, brass rod, guitar strings (usually I use these for actual model conversions), 2 part epoxy mixed with inks (for making standing pools and puddles). And of course various bitz for bodies etc.


112⟩ Who are your favorite painters?

Lately Sascha Buczek blows me away nearly every time he posts a model. Also Cyril, Matt Verzani (who's prices have me eternally jealous, and I love his hyper-color style), and Mayne Thiele.


114⟩ How do you paint red?

I actually prefer to paint red over black, which most people do not like to do (I think most like to paint it over white). I use a mix of Vallejo Cadmium Maroon (recommended to me by Finn Kisch) and Reaper Aged Red Brick (recommended to me by Anne Foerster) as a base. To this I add red gore for a few highlite layers, then blood red. Depending on how dark a red I want, I might go up to pure blood red and then add a little fiery orange to that for final highlites.


115⟩ How do you thin your paints?

I keep a dropper syringe on my desk that contains a mix of 1/3 blending medium by Winsor and Newton, and 2/3 water. I add a drop or two to my paint mix, depending on how thin I want it. For times when I paint one color for quite a while, I might go back and add more drops as needed.


116⟩ How do you paint rusty NMM?

I use London Grey and Space Wolves Grey 50/50 (although I have been experimenting with different greys, such as shadow grey). Then I add either white or bleached bone to this for several layers (up to white). Then, when dry, I give the areas several very thin washes with bestial brown and dark flesh, and sometimes vermin brown. Sometimes I sprinkle salt on the wash, let it dry, then brush it off (trick I learned in White Dwarf).


118⟩ How do you do grass on a base?

I prime it black and drybrush it a few times using successively lighter shades. For healthy grass I use greens, for dead grass I use browns and bones.


119⟩ What are your pet peeves?

I have many, but a couple are spam email and painters not updating their websites - I need stuff to look at! Oh, and Forgeworld's prices.