Chemist Assistant

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“Chemist Assistant related Frequently Asked Questions by expert members with professional career as Chemist Assistant. These list of interview questions and answers will help you strengthen your technical skills, prepare for the new job interview and quickly revise your concepts”

40 Chemist Assistant Questions And Answers

21⟩ Tell us how would you handle a problematic customer?

This is a common question for workers dealing directly with the public. If you have previous customer service experience, think about the ways in which you dealt with these situations. What worked and what did not?

Think also about the fact that many of the clients may be seniors dealing with age-related problems and pain issues. Stress that you are empathetic and patient, but also recognize the need to help others waiting in line.


22⟩ Please tell me how would your friends describe you?

It is always interesting to reflect on how we come across to others,” explains Brown. “Because we work in big teams in community pharmacy, both in the pharmacy and the broader primary care settings, we have to have a level of self awareness.” She would encourage candidates to reflect on why their friends might say particular things about them: “If they give good examples to back this up it means that they are considerate of others.


24⟩ Explain me about your chemistry research?

This isn’t the time to be modest. As a chemist, you’ll conduct research and you may participate with product development. If you’re an experienced candidate, mention personal contributions you’ve made to projects working at other companies, and if you’re new to the field, highlight any research completed as an undergraduate or graduate student.


27⟩ Tell us how do you respond to deadlines?

Some customers are on major medications that they must take daily. If these individuals run out, they will need their drug refills that day.

Discuss past experiences where you have had deadlines. Was there more than one at the same time? If so, how did you prioritize your time? Think about how you would make sure the customers who were most in need would benefit, while not compromising others you are serving.


28⟩ Explain me how long do you see yourself working as a chemist?

Employers want committed employees. It takes time and money to hire and train the right person, and most companies don’t want to hire employees who only plan to stick around for one or two years. You could say, “I plan to work in this field for many years to come and hopefully advance within the company. I can stay for as long as I’m able to continue to grow in my field.”


30⟩ Tell us do you work well with a team?

Depending on the assignment, you may have to work with others. Therefore, the interviewer may inquire about any experience working with a group. As a team player, you must be able to listen, follow directions, and sometimes compromise. Being a team player is a plus, but you should also highlight the ability to work independently when necessary. Give examples of situations when you had to collaborate with a team, and when you had to shine as an individual.


31⟩ Can you tell me how would you deal with a difficult customer?

This is a very important question, and your interviewer will definitely want to know how you tackle a stressful situation. One who has direct contact with customers represents the company, hence you need to emphasize that you will be able to deal with a difficult patient.

I usually stay calm and polite, even in a tough situation; I am composed and unruffled while solving a problem.


32⟩ Tell us how will your references describe you?

Although you want to sell yourself during an interview, you also need to be honest. In all likelihood, the interviewer will contact your references. And if you describe yourself as an amazing worker, but your references say otherwise, the interviewer might question your honesty. Mention positive qualities that accurately describe you; and if you had problems with a previous employer, give the interviewer a heads up. You don’t have to provide the nitty-gritty details or bash a former employer, but let him know you didn’t leave your last job on the best terms.


33⟩ Tell us what duties a pharmacy technician is required to carry out?

A Pharmacy technician needs to be an expert at what he’s doing, given that, there is absolutely no room for mistakes when preparing medicines according to doctor’s orders. Duties comprise of: filling prescriptions, making medications as per the pharmacist’s orders, maintaining records of each prescription given out, collecting payment, assessing the insurance status before each prescription is handed out and maintaining sanitized and hygienic storage conditions.


34⟩ Explain me are you good at time management?

It is always helpful to bring up past examples. Think about times in previous jobs (or your personnel life) when you had to do a number of things within a certain time frame. How did you make it work?

Prioritizing tasks is a good first step, but you need to provide more detail in order to really sell your ability in an interview. If you have not done this sort of work before, consider times when you have dealt with pharmacy assistants. Think about their duties and the things that can happen during a workday. What would you do in order to provide the necessary service to clients in a reasonable time frame?


35⟩ Tell us what part of your job do you enjoy the most?

I enjoy my job enormously since I have always wanted to be a part of the healthcare industry and have been interested in the wonders these medicines can do. My favourite part is interacting with the clients, preparing the medications for them and describing to them how to take the medicines


36⟩ Explain me where can you improve to become a better chemist?

There is no such thing as a perfect chemist. Even the best in the field can improve in certain areas. This question is designed to help the interviewer assess your weaknesses and your strengths. As already stated, a good chemist must possess several traits, such as good analytical skills, good math skills and you must pay attention to details. It’s okay to acknowledge areas that you’re improving on, but don’t admit shortcomings that could cost you the job. For example, if there are new developments or software programs you’re unfamiliar with, don’t mention these. Other candidates are likely familiar with these areas, which can give them the upper hand.


37⟩ Suppose a customer asks about an over-the-counter medication you've never heard of before. How would you handle this situation?

This hypothetical question allows the candidate to explain how they would react in a situation where they don't know the answer. This question is important as it checks a candidates problem-solving skills. What to look for in an answer:

☛ Ability to interact with patients

☛ Research ability

☛ Customer service

I would explain to the patient that it was a drug I'd never heard of and I'd check to see if we carried it in the store. If we didn't, I would then let them know I'd do some research on the drug and would call them to let them know what I found out and answer any questions they may have.


38⟩ Explain me how do you handle daily workplace stress?

I effectively deal with workplace stress by being very methodical and organized; I always ensure that there is proper communication regarding the prescriptions. Certain duties such as inventory maintenance, accurate labelling and arrangement of drugs are very important to avoiding stress and ensuring that the pharmacy operates smoothly throughout the day. I take short breaks now and then to revive myself and have always had a track record of preparing the precise composition based upon the given prescription


39⟩ Tell us what is your greatest weakness as Chemist Assistant?

Another common question and one that can potentially trip you up. Do not mention something that will automatically lose you the job (e.g. “I’m always looking at Facebook during business hours”). Similarly, avoid something that does not really apply, such as “I drink too much coffee.”

Pick something that qualifies as a weakness, but is also an area where you have been improving. For example, you can mention that you sometimes spend too much time pouring over the fine details of a task. However, with experience, you are now able to do this with the same amount of detail, but also an appropriate degree of time management.