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“Family Physician based Frequently Asked Questions in various Family Physician job interviews by interviewer. These professional questions are here to ensures that you offer a perfect answers posed to you. So get preparation for your new job hunting”

47 Family Physician Questions And Answers

21⟩ Please explain what are your goals and objectives as Family Physician?

Think of this question in terms of what the interviewer wants to hear. Try to phrase your goals and objectives to be in alignment with the position for which you are interviewing. Possible answer: I want to build a solid practice, provide consistent quality care for my patients and be part of the team.


22⟩ Questions To Ask from Family Physician

☛ Are patient charts well organized? Are they dictated or hand-written? Do they include problem and medication lists, flow sheets or other reminder forms?

☛ What are the weaknesses of your current charting system?

☛ How would you describe your organization's relationship with third-party payers?

☛ Is the practice computerized?

☛ Is the computer system easy to learn? To use? How often does it have problems?

☛ Is it difficult to get equipment replaced or to get new equipment when needed?

☛ How manageable is the volume of telephone calls that the practice receives?

☛ What is the practice’s policy for prescribing narcotics and antibiotics over the telephone? How closely do providers adhere to this policy?

☛ How would you describe the nurses' level of autonomy?

☛ How much responsibility do nurses have for telephone triage and patient education?

☛ Do you feel that physicians can effectively address your concerns?

☛ Is the office manager responsive when you have concerns?

☛ How satisfied are you with the organization's compensation package?

☛ Are bonuses given?

☛ Do you have any issues or concerns regarding compensation?

☛ How does the overall organization seem to be doing financially? What about this clinic?

☛ Are you aware of the organization’s future plans?


23⟩ Tell us about working on rotation or split shift schedules, if required for this position?

Being flexible with the schedule you are willing to work is always a plus. However, many people work more than one job or have a one parent home which requires them to have a flexible schedule. Others simply prefer to work one shift rather than another. Being upfront with the interviewer about what schedule suits your preference could help prevent conflict later on. It is easier to plan a schedule you can agree on than it is to fix problems that arise due to fear of being rejected. Be honest and direct.


24⟩ Tell us why should we hire you as Family Physician?

This is a fairly common interview question, but it is also a good chance for you to shine. Be confident! Briefly summarize your experience and relate it back to the job for which you are interviewing.

With five years of family medicine experience in a fast-paced, urban practice, I have had excellent patient satisfaction scores. I’m confident I would be a great addition to your family medicine team.


25⟩ Tell us what do you know about our medical group?

This question tells the recruiter and/or hiring physician about your level of investment in the practice opportunity.

Northwest Permanente is the Medical Group for Kaiser and has approximately 1,500 physicians across most specialties. My best friend in Residency has been in practice with you for the last eight years. He brags about the primary care – specialty care integration on a regular basis.


26⟩ Please explain why this hospital or medical department interests you?

As a doctor, it is your duty to do the best for your patients. You should explain to them this hospital is the best in its field and just like you, their aim is also to serve the people. Also, this hospital is equipped with the latest medical equipment. The team of doctors in their hospital is one of the best in the city.


28⟩ Tell us do you as a doctor have any preferences?

Any hospital while hiring a doctor would like to ensure that the doctor they are hiring is best suited to their hospital. In such a case, the hospital will ask for any reference that you have so that they can get the required inquiry done. By doing this they will be satisfied with the facts you have told them.


29⟩ Tell us how would you describe your organizational culture?

Ask about the culture of the organization and/or department, and what makes it distinctive or special. How might other physicians describe the culture? You could also ask about the organization’s place and reputation in the surrounding community.


30⟩ Tell me what are your goals as Family Physician?

For this question, it is best to focus on concrete, short-term, and mid-term objectives rather than long-term goals.

I am interested in joining an organization where I can develop a progressive, patient-centered practice. Beyond developing strong relationships with my peers and specialists, my long term goal is to further develop my leadership skills to support the organization in a mutually beneficial way.


31⟩ Tell me why do you want to work with us as Family Physician?

This question is designed to assess whether you’re interested in this specific job or if you’re interviewing simply because there is an opening. This is a good opportunity to show that you have researched the practice and are invested in the job.

Kaiser’s philosophical approach to care is patient-centric. I chose medicine to make a difference in the lives of patients. Practicing at Kaiser would allow me to put my patients first.


32⟩ Tell us why did you go into medicine as Family Physician?

Resoundingly, our clients expressed their distaste with physicians saying that they went into medicine for the pay. No employer wants to hire a money-hungry physician. Be honest about why you went into medicine. One possible answer: “I want to help people and provide the best medical care that I can.


33⟩ Why did you choose to become as Family Physician?

Since medical practice is such a respected profession, the first and the top interview question that is asked is why did you choose to become a doctor. Firstly, you should be able to give a satisfactory question to the interviewer. You shall explain, that you respect human life and would like to dedicate your life in serving them. You want to save people from suffering both mentally and physically.


34⟩ Please explain why any hospital should hire you in their institution?

For any hospital hiring a good team of doctors are very important. Every hospital wants to render good services to its patients so that they feel safe and secure. You should ensure that you will best support the policies of the hospital and will take care of the patients to your best capability. Your main motive will be to save the patient and at the same time take care of the goodwill of the hospital.


35⟩ Explain me your experience and skills as Family Physician?

Most employers are going to be impressed by institutions with names that they recognize. However, if you did not get your training from a highly recognized school or facility, highlight the accolades that it has as well as why you chose to pursue that institution.


36⟩ Tell us how do you work to improve patient care as Family Physician?

This question is particularly important for family medicine jobs at Northwest Permanente. Our commitment to continuous improvement in patient care is a primary focus. Show the interviewer that you take this seriously and provide concrete examples of how you approach it.

I find that effective communication with patients plays a vital role in the quality of their care experience and in their overall health outcomes. I am intentional with each patient interaction to listen and reflect on what I have heard. If I can help them feel heard and understood, I am one step closer to cultivating a true partnership in their care.


37⟩ What is your professional experience as a Family Physician?

Another important job interview question that is commonly asked to the doctor is about their qualification. To become a doctor you have to go through a tough process of studies. You should try to get admission in medical colleges. You shall be able to give a detailed explanation of your degrees. Also, you should give details about any field if you have done specialization in.


39⟩ Explain me how do you deal with stress as Family Physician?

Family Medicine practices are stressful and can lead to burnout without proper self-care. This question helps your potential partners assess how you handle the day-to-day stresses in your practice.

Regular physical activity is my medicine for stress management. I schedule time for myself five days a week to cycle, practice yoga and lift weights. By managing my stress, I have found that I feel healthier and am a better role model for my patients.


40⟩ Tell us what is your routine on a daily basis as Family Physician?

You should tell the interviewer about your daily work routine. The number of hours that you spend at your clinic or any private hospital where you are appointed. The number of patients that you check on a regular basis. In case you are a surgeon, the number of patients that you operate on a daily basis. If you visit your patients at home, then the number of visits that you make on a daily basis.