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25 Lab Technicians Questions And Answers

21⟩ Explain Penicillin, antiseptic, artificial insemination,hydrophobia, cataract, memingitis, mumps?

Penicillin :-The discovery of penicillin by sir Fleming has

had a profound influence over the medical science. It is

obtained from the mould of breath.

Antiseptic :-An antiseptic is a chemical which destroys and

arrests the growth of bacteria. It is used in surgery. Some

important antiseptic chemicals are Lysol, dettoi, carbolic

acid, potassium permanganate .

Artificial insemination :- Artificial insemination is used

in cross-breeding to get better breeds of animals. The semen

of a male animal is introduced onto the female uterus by

means of a syringe. It is sometimes employed in human beings


Hydrophobia:-This disease is caused by dog and wolf bite.

This is also called rabies. The wound of the bite is soon

healed up. Bur the symptoms of the disease show up only

after a few weeks. By and by the patient get excited and

wild and behaves amost like the animal. The cure lies in

taking anti-rabies injections which should be taken as soon

after the incident as soon after the incident as possible.

Otherwise it may be too late.

Cataract :-This is a disease of the eyes. The lens of the

eye becomes milky in appearance and the sight gets dimmer

and dimmer. The treatment is removal of the opaque lens by


Mamingitis :-This is a very severe disease. It is an

infection of the spinal chord. Symptoms are fever, soar

throat , headache, vomiting and spasms of muscles of the neck

Mumps:-This is an infectious disease which generally attacks

the children.

Symptoms are swelling of the glands on the temple

accompanied by fever


24⟩ What are infectious diseases? How are they spread? Describe some preventive measures?

Diseases like tuberculosis, influenza, small-pox, cholera,

typhoid which are caused by the entry if germs into out body

are known as infectious or communicable diseases. The germs

that cause these diseases pass form one man to another in

various ways. People suffering form pneumonia, cold,

influenza in various ways, spit out in to the atmosphere

numerous bacteria of these diseases. Such bacteria may be

inhaled by other persons through the air they breathe in. A

typhoid or cholera patient discharges with his excreta

millions of typhoid or cholera germs. If the clothes of

these patients are wash in tanks, the germs of these

diseases get mixed with water, who would drink this

contaminated water. Files play a very important part in the

spread of diseases. Thus the disease-germs spread through

air, food and water, or by direct contact

Diseases can, thus, be prevented by

destroying these disease carrying germs. Nature has it self

provided with germ-killing agents. They are sunlight and

dry air. Heat is employed to kill germs. The clothes,

bedding etc. of a sick man can be disinfected by boiling

then in water. Cups, spoons and other vessels used by a

sick person can also be made free from germs by heating

these directly or by boiling then in water. The room of the

patient should be washed with any of the popular

disinfectants available in the market. Cholera germs can be

destroyed by potassium permanganate. Files which are

carriers of disease germs should also be destroyed.

Similarly rats which cause plague should be killed, Breeding

places of vaccination should be carried out to prevent

small-pox . These should be used on a mass-scale whenever

there is the danger of an epidemic. These vaccines make the

human body immume for various kinds of diseased.

Local bodies play a very important role

in the prevention of diseased. Even if an individual eats

the right kind of food, breathes pure and fresh air,

observes personal cleanliness and keep his house and

surroundings clean, he may yet fall ill by association with

others in his neighbourhood, who may not be as clean as he

should be. It is the responsibility of the local body to see

that the streets, public parks, schools, public halls and

other places where people congregate are kept clean. Open

drains should be cleaned everyday, wells should be

disinfected, dust-bins are away from residential buildings

municipality should be clean and not contaminated.

Adulterated foodstuffs should not be allowed to be sold and

sweets and cut-fruit should be properly protected againg

flies and other germs-carrying insects


25⟩ What is tuberculosis? How can it be prevented?

It is an infectious disease. It takes up various forms. Its

earliest signs are loss of weight and night sweets. Its

germs are Tubercle Bacillus. It spreads due to inhaling its

germ along with air

Prevention :-

(1) Complete isolation if the patient

(2) Keeping up separate utensils

(3) Well-ventilated house and fresh air

(4) Good nourishing and protective food

(5) Good diet

(6) Use of B.C.G Vaccine and Streptomycin