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“Psychiatrist related Frequently Asked Questions by expert members with job experience as Psychiatrist. These questions and answers will help you strengthen your technical skills, prepare for the new job interview and quickly revise your concepts”

76 Psychiatrist Questions And Answers

21⟩ As you know our psychiatric nurses get opportunities to serve as peer mentors after they’ve been at the hospital for at least a year. Would you be a good fit for such a role?

Absolutely. Throughout my career as a psychiatric nurse, I’ve been supportive of nurses who are just entering the field. Even in nursing school, I helped friends study psychiatric nurse interview questions before they met with hiring managers in hopes of getting their first jobs. Peer mentoring helped me get where I am today and I want to reciprocate.


22⟩ What is dyskinesia?

Abnormal movements as in tardive dyskinesia a late onset onet of abnormal involuntary movements. Tardive dyskinesia is conventionally thought a late side effect of first generation antipsychotics, but some abnormal movements were seen in schizophrenia before the introduction of antipsychotics.


23⟩ What is illusion?

An abnormal perception caused by a sensory misinterpretation of and actual stimulus, sometimes precipitated by strong emotion, e.g. fear provoking a person to imagine they have seen an intruder in the shadows.


24⟩ What is tardive dyskinesia?

An abnormal involuntary movement disorder which may manifest as lipsmacking bucco-lingual movements or grimacing, truncal movements or athetoid limb movements.


25⟩ Explain me how would you help a patient who is in distress?

This question helps you evaluate whether the psychiatrist candidate has the necessary professionalism, empathy and warmth to help patients who can be extremely vulnerable. You'll learn what types of patients and conditions this candidate may be best at treating, and you'll be able to ascertain whether the applicant would be able to retain patients and attract new ones to your practice. You may also learn how quickly the candidate psychiatrist builds patient trust. What to look for in an answer:

Ability to be empathetic and professional

Ability to treat conditions commonly seen at your practice

Potential to attract new patients


28⟩ Explain me do you have interest in pursuing research or have you been involved in research in the past?

For this question, it is important to be honest with your feelings for research while also knowing the position that you are applying for and what that organization may be looking for. Interviewing for a position at an academic institution will require some passion for research. Conversely, the desire to do research may be a hindrance while interviewing for a position with a private practice. Be sure to do your research on the position and the organization prior to interviewing.

"I have a very high interest in pursuing research at a higher level. While going through my psychiatric training program, I had been a part of extensive research on the effects of medicinal marijuana on patients with severe depression. While research has always intrigued me, I've been away from it now for five years and am really hoping to put my knowledge and research methods and skills to use in this position."


30⟩ Explain me a time when you had to put aside personal needs to ensure the psychiatry team continued to function smoothly at your workplace?

About a year ago, on the night of my fifth wedding anniversary, I had to cover a shift for a coworker who suddenly got ill while tending to patients. Pitching in meant I had to tell my spouse we would need to shift our dinner plans to the next night when I was off. Although this initially caused disappointment, there was also a mutual understanding that if I did not cover that shift, the entire department would have struggled. Thanks to my decision, the department was able to continue delivering top-quality patient care, which was ultimately recognized by the nursing supervisor.


31⟩ What is delusional mood?

Also known as wahnstimmung, a feeling that something unusual is about to happen of special significance for that person.


32⟩ What is Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD)?

A form of depressive illness only occurring during winter months, associated with overeating and sleepiness. Responsive to antidepressants and phototherapy. Little researched and scientifically controversial.


33⟩ Tell us how would you approach the care of patients who have multiple mental health issues?

Many patients have several mental health conditions at one time, and this question lets you evaluate whether the candidate has the necessary training and experience to treat patients with these kinds of complex needs. You'll learn how the psychiatrist makes choices about which conditions/symptoms to prioritize, and you'll also learn how he or she might adapt or combine different counseling techniques to treat multiple conditions. What to look for in an answer:

Appropriate experience with complex mental health conditions/needs

Ability to prioritize the patient's most urgent needs

Ability to combine different treatments


35⟩ Suppose you will be working closely with a number of doctors who will be making many demands of your time. Are you able to work quickly and efficiently, and multitask when needed?

I am able to multitask when needed, and I am also able to set boundaries when I feel like my patients’ care might be compromised by me taking on too many tasks. It’s important to work together in a health care facility, but it’s also necessary to remember that it’s the patients’ needs that must be served above all else.


36⟩ Please explain with an example of a time when you had to interact with a patient who was in great mental distress?

Taking care of people who are experiencing severe mental anguish happens so regularly that it’s difficult to pinpoint specific instances. However, I remember helping treat a homeless man who was causing an uproar in the ward. He had been diagnosed with bipolar disorder and was unable to afford the medication. The lack of access to the necessary pills, combined with the fear of being in a strange plac, meant that this individual was a danger to himself and others. After securely restraining him to prevent injuries, I followed a doctor’s order and administered a drug to ease the patient’s panic. However, the soothing words and understanding attitude I displayed while working with the patient were arguably just as potent as the pharmaceutical intervention. After the man’s discharge, he found me and offered thanks for treating him with such compassion.


37⟩ What is dementia?

An chronic organic mental illness which produces a global deterioration in cognitive abilities and which usually runs a deteriorating course.


38⟩ What is hallucination?

An abnormal sensory experience that arises in the absence of a direct external stimulus, and which has the qualities of a normal percept and is experienced as real and usually in external space. Hallucinations may occur in any sensory modality.


39⟩ What is passivity phenomena?

In these phenomena the individual feels that some aspect of themselves is under the external control of another or others. These may therefore include 'made acts and impulses' where the individual feels they are being made to do something by another, 'made movements' where their arms or legs feel as if they are moving under another's control, 'made emotions' where they are experiencing someone else's emotions, and 'made thoughts' which are categorised elsewhere as thought insertion and withdrawal.