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“Psychiatrist related Frequently Asked Questions by expert members with job experience as Psychiatrist. These questions and answers will help you strengthen your technical skills, prepare for the new job interview and quickly revise your concepts”

76 Psychiatrist Questions And Answers

43⟩ As you know like a psychiatrist, you will be diagnosing mental illnesses and prescribing drugs. How do you plan on following up with your patients to ensure they are taking their medication?

Follow-up with the patient is necessary when dealing with psychiatric medication. Depending on how autonomous the patients are, I will either follow-up with them directly a few days after their release and continue to follow up on a weekly basis, or I will get in touch with a family member who has insight into the patient’s daily routine.


44⟩ Tell me being a good nurse requires a comforting bedside manner, not just for your patients but also for their families. Will you be able to be straightforward and educational but also reassuring when communicating with patients and their families?

Open communication with families is especially important to psychiatric nurse practitioners, as sometimes your patients are not able to follow through with treatment on their own. Families are the built-in support group that can assist with the road to recovery, especially with issues of substance abuse and self-harm. It is important to keep the family in the loop and maintain an open communication with them.


45⟩ Please explain how you normally respond to feedback from superiors such as physicians and charge nurses?

I always listen thoroughly to the feedback I receive and incorporate it into my actions moving forward. However, if it seems the superior does not have a complete understanding of a patient’s treatment or status, I respectfully respond in ways that make it clear I don’t let my pride, nor fear of speaking up, interfere with my goal of providing the best possible care.


50⟩ Explain me psychiatric providers are in high demand right now across the entire country. Why do you think that is?

Psychiatry is an extremely high demand field right now and this question gives you the opportunity to talk about both high level philosophy on your work and what brings you to the interview with the organization you are interviewing for. Psychiatrists are in a unique position where employers may be willing to bend on the practice to attract you, but don't be pushy with any requests that you may have.


51⟩ Explain me what motivates you as a psychiatric nurse, even during the toughest shifts?

My motivation as a psychiatric nurse comes from a deep desire to do the very best I can in every situation I’m faced with. That often means calming agitated patients on a daily basis, but I even had my inner drive to succeed before getting my first job. I tirelessly studied psychiatric nurse interview questions so I was well prepared for what I was asked, in a situation that was very stressful for most of my nursing school peers.


52⟩ Tell us being a psychiatric nurse practitioner requires an observant and detail-oriented mind. How do you keep track of changes in patients’ behaviors over time?

In order to properly track changes in patients’ behaviors, you must thoroughly document each encounter and meeting with your patients. I keep very detailed records of all my interactions with doctors, patients and other nurses in order to be able to refer back to them for comparison.


54⟩ What is derealisation?

An experience where the person perceives the world around them to be unreal. The experience is linked to depersonalisation.


56⟩ What is echolalia?

A speech disorder in which the person inappropriately and automatically repeats the last words he or she has heard. Palilalia is a form of echolalia in which the last syllable heard is repeated endlessly.


57⟩ What is neuroleptic Malignant Syndrome?

A syndrome ascribed to neuroleptics. The syndrome includes hyperpyrexia (temperature over 39 degrees Celsius), autonomic instability and muscular rigidity. The syndrom is not dose related and appears to be related to a very wide variety of substances including antidepressants, antipsychotics and lithium. There is a significant risk of mortality. Whether the syndrome is a variant of the lethal catatonia syndrome (described before the advent of modern neuroleptics) is a debated point.


58⟩ What is bulimia nervosa?

Described by Russell in 1979, bulimia nervosa is an eating disorder characterised by lack of control. Abnormal eating behaviour including dieting, vomiting, purging and particularly bingeing may be associated with normal weight or obesity. The syndrome is associated with guilt, depressed mood, low self-esteem and sometimes with childhood sexual abuse, alcoholism and promiscuity. May be asociated with oesophageal ulceration and parotid swelling (Green's chubby chops sign).


59⟩ Tell us what electronic medical records do you have experience working with?

Working on an electronic medical record program is an essential part of the job for any physician, including Psychiatrists. Talk about the experiences that you have working on different programs and be sure to point out your comfortability working on the program. As well, discussing the importance of utilizing the system will go a long way with the interviewer.