Active Directory

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“Active Directory Interview Questions and Answers will guide us now that Active Directory is a technology created by Microsoft that provides a variety of network services, including LDAP-like directory services, Kerberos-based authentication, DNS-based naming and other network information, Central location for network administration and delegation, Information security and single sign-on for user access to networked based resources so learn more by this Active Directory Interview Questions Answer”

146 Active Directory Questions And Answers

141⟩ How to set the Aging feature on an individual zone?

1) Right-click the zone, and then click Properties.

2) Click Aging.

3) Click to select the Scavenge Stale Resource Records check box, and then set the interval that you want the Aging feature to use.

If the Aging feature is not enabled at the server level, and you attempt to enable the Aging feature at the zone level, the Aging feature does not work. After you select the appropriate aging periods and you enable the Scavenging feature on the server, outdated records are scavenged.


142⟩ How to allow only secure dynamic updates?

1) Click Start, point to Programs, point to Administrative Tools, and then click DNS.

2) Under DNS, expand the applicable DNS server, expand Forward Lookup Zones (or Reverse Lookup Zones) , and then click the applicable zone.

3) On the Action menu, click Properties.

4) On the General tab, verify that the zone type is Active Directory-integrated.

5) In the Allow dynamic updates? box, click Only secure updates.


143⟩ How to create a Site link in Active Directory?

To create a new site link:

1) Click Active Directory Sites and Services.

2) Expand the Inter-Site Transports node, right-click IP (or click SMTP if you want to

use SMTP as the inter-site transport protocol), and then click New Site Link. If you have only one site in Active Directory, you receive a message that states that two sites are required for the site link to work. Click OK to continue.


144⟩ How to create a Third-Party MSI package in Active Directory?

1) Start with a clean PC, or one that is representative of the computers in your network.

2) Start Discover to take a picture of the representative PC's software configuration. This

is the Before snapshot.

3) Install a program on the PC on which you took the Before snapshot.

4) Reboot the PC.

5) Run the new program to verify that it works.

6) Quit the program.

7) Start Discover and take an After snapshot of the PC's new configuration. Discover compares the Before and the After snapshots and notes the changes. It creates a Microsoft Installer package with information about how to install that program on such a PC in the future.

8) (Optional) Use Veritas Software Console to customize the Microsoft Installer package.

9) Clean the reference computer to prepare to run Discover again.

10) (Optional) Perform a test installation of the program on non-production workstations.


145⟩ Define clean PC in Active Directory?

A clean PC is defined as a computer with only the following items on it before you run Discover:

★ The operating system

★ The service packs for the operating system

If you install Veritas Software Console on the computer, it is by definition no longer a clean PC. You must install Veritas Software Console somewhere, but not on the clean PC.