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“Solaris Commands frequently Asked Questions by expert members with experience in Solaris Commands. These interview questions and answers on Solaris Commands will help you strengthen your technical skills, prepare for the interviews and quickly revise the concepts. So get preparation for the Solaris Commands job interview”

55 Solaris Commands Questions And Answers

22⟩ How to create a shared disk group in VxVM?

Creating shared dg form the existing dg’s

1) List all the dg available: #vxdg list

2) Find out the node that is master or slace using:

#vxdctl -c mode

3) Deport the disk groups to be shared: #vxdg deport

<dg name>

4) Import dgs to be shared: #vxdg -s import < dg

name> % Do this on master node

5) To check the shared disk groups: #vxdg list


23⟩ What is the difference between private and public regions in Veritas Volume manager?

Private Region: It has meta data regarding the disk. A

copy of the configuration database is copied to each

private region with the disk group. It keeps 5 copies of

the configuration database. It is configured as slice 3.

Once the private region is created it cannot be changed.

Public region: This is the area where all users’ data is

stored. Usually it is configured as slice 4.


24⟩ How to convert a volume from gen to fsgen? why should you do that?

1) #vxprint -g dgname -rhmvps filename >


2) open the file simplevol.vxout using your fav editor and

change the use_type field alone from gen to fsgen.

3. Save the file. make sure you edit the use_type field


4. Umount the filesystem; umount /simplevol

5. stop the volume ; vxvol -g dgname stop simplevol

6. remove the volume ; vxedit -g dgname -rf rm simplevol

7. using vxmake rebuild the volume from the saved file ;

vxmake -g dgname -d simplevol.vxout

8. check the vxprint out; vxprint -g dgname -hrt ; check

for the usage type; it would be fsgen

9. start the volume; vxvol -g dgname start simplevol

10. do a fsck for the volume; fsck -

y /dev/vx/rdsk/dgname/simplevol

11. mount the filesystem ; mount /simplevol

gen assumes a volume does not contain filesystem and fsgen

assumes a volume contains a file system. Vxassist uses

fsgen as default type and vxmake uses gen as default type.


26⟩ What is the difference between Vxdmp and EMC powerpath?

vxdmp: The way the load balancing done is using round

robin approach

EMC Power path: It does it by knowing which path is

least loaded.

Powerpath will fail back a path once it becomes available.

The older version of DMP that we were using on Solaris you

had to manually bring back the other path. This could have

just been the limitations of Solaris as well. We ran Power

path on AIX and DMP on SUN.


29⟩ What is a layered volume? How to create it using vxmake?

Using vxmake we need to build each object until we

create a volume and its very easy to use vxassist instead


1) Create subdisk ( # vxmake –g dg dgname sd sdname )

2) Create plex (#vxmake –g dgname plex sd=sdname )

3) Create volume (#vxmake –g dgname -U fsgen vol plex=plexname )


31⟩ How to grow a volume?

First check how much space you can increase using

#vxassist -g <diskgroup> maxgrow

After checking how much you can increase we can use the

below commands to increase volume

#vxassist -g <diskgroup> growby <volume> <len_to_grow_by>


#vxassist -g <diskgroup> growto <volume> <new_len>


32⟩ What is the difference between failing and failed disks?

Failing disk

1) It shows read/write errors in /var/adm/messages.

2) As the time passes we can see increased number of hard

and transport error when checkd by iostat -En.

3)We can see the disk available when format is used

Failed disk

1)It shows “ disk not responding to selection” message

2)It only shows the increased transport errors

3)Format command displays “ disk not available” message


33⟩ How to replace a failed disk in Veritas?

Can be removed using vxdiskadm and select option 5 (

To replace a failed disk)

23. Plex is in a disabled state. How will you recover? what

are the steps to follow?

Ans: 1) Place the plex in CLEAN state #vxmend -g dg

fix clean fix

2) To recover other plexes in a volume from CLEAN plex

#vxmend -g dg fix stale plex

3) Enable CLEAN plex # vxvol -g dg start volume


34⟩ What is the difference between detached and disassociate state of plexes?

Source: Symantec Docs

Detach State

Detaching a plex leaves the plex associated with its

volume, but prevents normal volume I/O from being directed

to the plex. This operation can be applied to plexes that

are enabled or disabled. The rules for performing the

detach depend upon the usage types of the volumes involved.

The operation does not apply to dissociated plexes.

Disassociate State

Dissociate each of the named plexes. Dissociating a plex

breaks the link between the plex and its volume. A

dissociated plex is inaccessible until it is reassociated,

which can be done either with vxplex att or with vxmake.

Any checks and synchronizations that apply to the det

operation also apply to the dis operation.

Plex dissociation is the normal means of unmirroring a

volume, or reducing the mirror count for a volume. To

support this use, -o rm can be used to dissociate and

remove the plex (and its associated subdisks) in the same

operation. This makes the space used by those subdisks

usable for new allocations (such as with vxassist or with


Plex dissociation can also be used for file system backups

of volumes that are normally mirrored. Plex devices are not

directly mountable, so the backup method described for the

det operation will not work if the backup program requires

a mounted file system. To support such backup programs, a

plex can be dissociated and can then be allocated to a new

volume, such as with the command:

vxmake -U gen vol volume plex=plex

The created volume can then be started and mounted for use

by the backup program.


35⟩ What is the boot process of VxVM?

During the solaris boot process once it reads

the /etc/system file and is supposed to boot from veritas

volumes below are the two lines that need to be placed

in /etc/system file such that it boot using veritas root


1. rootdev:/pseudo/vxio@0:0

2. set vxio:vol_rootdev_is_volume=1


39⟩ Compare and contrast VCS and Sun Cluster?

Sun Cluster

1) Kernel-based – Fatser in failure detection

2) It runs only on Solaris systems ( Platform dependent)

Veritas Cluster

1)Software based

2)Works on multiple OS ( Platform independent)