Software Quality Assurance Engineer

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“SQA Engineer post Frequently Asked Questions in various Software Quality Assurance Engineer job Interviews by interviewer. The set of questions here ensures that you offer a perfect answer posed to you. So get preparation for your new job hunting”

48 Software Quality Assurance Engineer Questions And Answers

22⟩ What are best practices for assessing performance efficiency of a software product?

Practices of implementing Application Architecture.

- Interactions with remote resources should be appropriate.

- Proper management of memory, network and disk space.

- Best coding practices.

- Proper and appropriate data access performance and management.

- Appropriate compliance with Object Oriented and Structured Programming practices.

- Appropriate compliance with SQL Programming best practices.


23⟩ How you test a Pen?

Using One Note (or many) of MS.And based on the specifications for the Pen,test the pen.


24⟩ Explain Software Technical Size?

The most technical sizing method is measured in terms of Line of Code per technology.

- The number of lines include in functions, files, classes and tables.

- These are computed with backfiring the Function Points.


25⟩ What are the software size requirements in Software Quality Control?

There are two types of software sizes:

Technical Size:

- The most technical sizing method is measured in terms of Line of Code per technology.

- The number of lines include in functions, files, classes and tables.

- These are computed with backfiring the Function Points.

Functional Size:

- The very common function size is Function Point Analysis.

- FPA is all about measuring the software deliverables.

- FPA is based on the requirements of the user and presents accurate representation of developer and estimator.

- FPA reflects the functionality that is delivered to the client.

- FPA involves in identifying and weighting of inputs, outputs and data storage.


26⟩ Explain Software Functional Quality?

SFQ is pertaining to conformance to the functional requirements.

- The SFQ is measured by the level of end user satisfaction.

- The usability and the intuitiveness and responsiveness of the use cases are referred, so as to determine the simplicity / complexity of the operations.

- SFQ compliances with the original design, and desired testability.

- Example: Voice of the Customer can be compared with the level of intuitiveness and responsiveness to measure the quality.


27⟩ Who are involved in Software Quality Control?

Project Manager - Controls the software engineering work performed during the software development.

- Designer - Assists the team to complete the overall design of the software project implementation.

- Technical Advisors - Supports to implement all technical aspects and imposes the quality practices.

- Checkers/Testers - Performs the complete testing of the software project at various levels.

- Quality Assurance Manager - Conforms the software product is as per the expected result with proper guidance and co-ordination with the development team.


28⟩ What is the process of Software Quality Measurement?

Quantifying the dimensions of the software product, to what extent the rate of the product is met.

- Qualitative and quantitative approaches provide the aggregate view of the product.

- Linear continuum need to be supplemented by the identification of the critical programming bugs.

- Consequences that might lead to catastrophic outages need to be properly identified.

- The critical application characteristics measurement involves the structural attribute measurement of the application architecture, coding, in-line documentation.


29⟩ Explain software control views?

Transcendental View : Quality can be recognized and not defined.

User View: Quality as suitable for the needs.

Product View : Quality as related to the inherent characteristics of the product.

Value-based View: Quality is dependent on the number of customers those who are willing to pay for the software product.

Development View : Quality that is in conformance to specification.


30⟩ List the benefits of Software Quality Control?

Following are the benefits of SQC:

- Increased productivity of the development team.

- Improved Product Quality: Test statistics and defect tracking are more precise and up to date.

- Decreased re-work costs as the detection of defects are found earlier in the software project development lifecycle in every stage.

- Increased confidence levels in existing product management and future product development.

- Increased credibility as the software produced will be highly qualitative.


31⟩ What are beta test and alpha test?

Beta test & Alpha tests are type of Acceptance Testing.Beta testing is performed at the client's site in the absence of

the development team.Whereas alpha testing is performed at the developor's site.


34⟩ What are the activities that are involved in Software Quality Control?

The activities that are involved in Software Quality Control are Reviews and Testing.


a. Review of requirement.

b. Review of design.

c. Review of code.

d. Review of deployment plan .

e. Review of test plan.

f. Review of test cases.


a. Unit Testing

b. Integration Testing

c. System Testing

d. Acceptance Testing


35⟩ What is meant by risk? how you can avoid the risks?

Risk can be anything that leads to failure / defect / error in the apllication or process.

We can avoid risk by applying proper risk matrix in the process.Risk Matrix shows the controls within application systems used to reduce the identified risk, and in what segment of the application those risks exist.

Consider,Team members are leaving from the organization in the middle of the project is the risk for the Manager.For that he can take the preventive action by ask for the bond from the employee or can have the countable backups in the project.


36⟩ What are Noice Variables?

Noise variable factors either cannot be controlled or are difficult and or expensive to control during the design or actual production stage.


38⟩ What are the elements of a QC plan?

The answer to this question depends on industry, company and/or project. In our software company, the closest thing to a Quality Control plan are our Test Standards and Test Plans.

The elements of our Test Plans are:

1) Introduction

- Purpose

- Product description

- System architecture

2) Scope

- Test coverage

- Features to be tested (in scope)

- Features not to be tested (out of scope)

- Compatibility matrix

3) Test strategy

- Test objectives

- Test approach

- Test environment

- System dependencies

- Test tools

- Assumptions

- Risks

4) Process

- Test process and guidelines

- Priority and Severity defined

- Pass/fail criteria

- Test entry/exit criteria

- Test resources

- Deliverables required for testing

- Roles and responsibilities

- Approvals and sign off


39⟩ How do an incremental process model and certification work together to produce high quality software? In your own words, describe the intent of certification in the clean room software engineering context?

Cleanroom development uses an iterative approach, in which the product is developed in increments that gradually

increase the implemented functionality. The quality of each increment is measured against pre-established standards to

verify that the development process is proceeding acceptably. A failure to meet quality standards results in

the cessation of testing for the current increment, and a return to the design phase.


40⟩ When we write Test cases? & Why will write Testing?

Test Case is a document which acts as refrence or record. Test case includes not only test input and expected behavior

but also test step and description and pass fail criteria. It is a good practice if we write a test case before we

execute it. It will give a brief idea that what we have to test. In addition to this it acts as record which can be

used by new tester to understand and then test.