Information Security Professional

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“Information Security Officer related Frequently Asked Questions in various Information Security Professional job interviews by interviewer. The set of questions here ensures that you offer a perfect answer posed to you. So get preparation for your new job hunting”

95 Information Security Professional Questions And Answers

21⟩ Tell me what personal achievement are you most proud of?

For me at least, this one is easy- getting my CISSP. I studied for months, did every possible thing I could to improve my recall and asked for anybody and everybody to help ask questions and modify them in ways to make me try to think around corners. Everybody has at least one thing that they are proud of, and while this and the next question may be the same answer, all that matters is showing that you are willing to move forward and willing to be self-motivated.


22⟩ Tell us you need to reset a password-protected BIOS configuration. What do you do?

While BIOS itself has been superseded by UEFI, most systems still follow the same configuration for how they keep the settings in storage. Since BIOS itself is a pre-boot system, it has its own storage mechanism for its settings and preferences. In the classic scenario, simply popping out the CMOS (complementary metal-oxide-semiconductor) battery will be enough to have the memory storing these settings lose its power supply, and as a result it will lose its settings. Other times, you need to use a jumper or a physical switch on the motherboard. Still other times you need to actually remove the memory itself from the device and reprogram it in order to wipe it out. The simplest way by far however is this: if the BIOS has come from the factory with a default password enabled, try ‘password’.


23⟩ Explain me how do you protect your home Wireless Access Point?

This is another opinion question – there are a lot of different ways to protect a Wireless Access Point: using WPA2, not broadcasting the SSID, and using MAC address filtering are the most popular among them. There are many other options, but in a typical home environment, those three are the biggest.

By now you’ve seen more than a fair amount of troubles. You’ve got a toolkit of regularly used programs, a standard suite of protection utilities, you’re comfortable with cleanups and you’ve spent quite a bit of time discovering that there are a lot of ways to make things go boom. You’ve also seen that it doesn’t take much to have data disappear forever, and that you need help to protect and manage it. By this stage you are more than likely a member of a team rather than a lone figure trying to work out everything, and as a result you are now on the specialization track. You may or may not however have a pointed hat and a predisposition to rum.


25⟩ Tell me what makes a script fully undetectable (FUD) to antivirus software? How would you go about writing a FUD script?

A script is FUD to an antivirus when it can infect a target machine and operate without being noticed on that machine by that AV. This usually entails a script that is simple, small, and precise

To know how to write a FUD script, one must understand what the targeted antivirus is actually looking for. If the script contains events such as Hook_Keyboard(), File_Delete(), or File_Copy(), it’s very likely it wil be picked up by antivirus scanners, so these events are not used. Further, FUD scripts will often mask function names with common names used in the industry, rather than naming them things like fToPwn1337(). A talented attacker might even break up his or her files into smaller chunks, and then hex edit each individual file, thereby making it even more unlikely to be detected.

As antivirus software becomes more and more sophisticated, attackers become more sophisticated in response. Antivirus software such as McAfee is much harder to fool now than it was 10 years ago. However, there are talented hackers everywhere who are more than capable of writing fully undetectable scripts, and who will continue to do so. Virus protection is very much a cat and mouse game.


26⟩ Tell me how would you lock down a mobile device?

Another opinion question, and as usual a lot of different potential answers. The baseline for these though would be three key elements: An anti-malware application, a remote wipe utility, and full-disk encryption. Almost all modern mobile devices regardless of manufacturer have anti-malware and remote wipe available for them, and very few systems now do not come with full-disk encryption available as an option directly within the OS.


27⟩ What is certified Forensic Analyst?

It certifies the ability of an individual to conduct formal incident investigation and manage advanced incident handling scenarios including external and internal data breach intrusions


28⟩ Tell me who do you look up to within the field of Information Security? Why?

A standard question type. All we’re looking for here is to see if they pay attention to the industry leaders, and to possibly glean some more insight into how they approach security. If they name a bunch of hackers/criminals that’ll tell you one thing, and if they name a few of the pioneers that’ll say another. If they don’t know anyone in Security, we’ll consider closely what position you’re hiring them for. Hopefully it isn’t a junior position.


30⟩ Explain the last program or script that you wrote. What problem did it solve?

All we want to see here is if the color drains from the guy’s face. If he panics then we not only know he’s not a programmer (not necessarily bad), but that he’s afraid of programming (bad). I know it’s controversial, but I think that any high-level security guy needs some programming skills. They don’t need to be a God at it, but they need to understand the concepts and at least be able to muddle through some scripting when required.


32⟩ Explain how would traceroute help you find out where a breakdown in communication is?

Tracert or traceroute, depending on the operating system, allows you to see exactly what routers you touch as you move along the chain of connections to your final destination. However, if you end up with a problem where you can’t connect or can’t ping your final destination, a tracert can help in that regard as you can tell exactly where the chain of connections stop. With this information, you can contact the correct people – whether it be your own firewall, your ISP, your destination’s ISP or somewhere in the middle.


33⟩ Do you know what are salted hashes?

Salt at its most fundamental level is random data. When a properly protected password system receives a new password, it will create a hashed value for that password, create a new random salt value, and then store that combined value in its database. This helps defend against dictionary attacks and known hash attacks. For example, if a user uses the same password on two different systems, if they used the same hashing algorithm, they could end up with the same hash value. However, if even one of the systems uses salt with its hashes, the values will be different.


34⟩ Suppose you are remoted in to a headless system in a remote area. You have no physical access to the hardware and you need to perform an OS installation. What do you do?

There are a couple of different ways to do this, but the most like scenario you will run into is this: What you would want to do is setup a network-based installer capable of network-booting via PXE (if you’ve ever seen this during your system boot and wondering what it was for, tada). Environments that have very large numbers of systems more often than not have the capability of pushing out images via the network. This reduces the amount of hands-on time that is required on each system, and keeps the installs more consistent.


35⟩ Suppose you find yourself in an airport in the depths of of a foreign superpower. You’re out of mobile broadband and don’t trust the WI-FI. What do you do? Further, what are the potential threats from open WI-FIs?

Ideally you want all of your data to pass through an encrypted connection. This would usually entail tunneling via SSH into whatever outside service you need, over a virtual private network (VPN). Otherwise, you’re vulnerable to all manner of attacks, from man-in-the-middle, to captive portals exploitation, and so on.


37⟩ Explain what is data leakage? What are the factors that can cause data leakage?

The separation or departing of IP from its intended place of storage is known as data leakage. The factors that are responsible for data leakage can be

☛ Copy of the IP to a less secure system or their personal computer

☛ Human error

☛ Technology mishaps

☛ System misconfiguration

☛ A system breach from a hacker

☛ A home-grown application developed to interface to the public

☛ Inadequate security control for shared documents or drives

☛ Corrupt hard-drive

☛ Back up are stored in an insecure place


38⟩ Tell me what is phishing? How it can be prevented?

Phishing is a technique that deceit people to obtain data from users. The social engineer tries to impersonate genuine website webpage like yahoo or face-book and will ask the user to enter their password and account ID.

It can be prevented by:

☛ Having a guard against spam

☛ Communicating personal information through secure websites only

☛ Download files or attachments in emails from unknown senders

☛ Never e-mail financial information

☛ Beware of links in e-mails that ask for personal information

☛ Ignore entering personal information in a pop-up screen


39⟩ Do you know how can an institute or a company can safeguard himself from SQL injection?

An organization can rely on following methods to guard themselves against SQL injection

☛ Sanitize user input: User input should be never trusted it must be sanitized before it is used

☛ Stored procedures: These can encapsulate the SQL statements and treat all input as parameters

☛ Regular expressions: Detecting and dumping harmful code before executing SQL statements

☛ Database connection user access rights: Only necessary and limited access right should be given to accounts used to connect to the database

☛ Error messages: Error message should not be specific telling where exactly the error occurred it should be more generalized.


40⟩ Tell me what is the difference between proxy, firewall, IDS and IPS?

A proxy server is a server (a computer system or an application) that acts as an intermediary for requests from clients seeking resources from other servers. A client connects to the proxy server, requesting some service, such as a file, connection, web page, or other resource available from a different server and the proxy server evaluates the request as a way to simplify and control its complexity. Firewall is basically meant for network traffic control/filtering mainly at layer-3. It allows/denies packets and connections based on certain pre-defined rules. IDS- Intrusion Detection System is an application which tries to detect intrusion attempts based on attack signature database it has. IPS- Intrusion Prevention System detects the intrusion (like IDS) and goes one step ahead to prevent it as well. It simply drops the packet it thinks suspicious (based on rules)


☛ proxy – Squid

☛ Firewall- IPTables, CISCO Pix, ZoneAlarm


☛ IPS- IBM Proventia