☛ Explain how you would be an asset to this organization?
☛ Tell me about a suggestion you have made?
☛ Why do you think you would do well at this job?
☛ What irritates you about co-workers?
☛ What is more important to you: the money or the work?
☛ What kind of person would you refuse to work with?
☛ What would your previous supervisor say your strongest point is?
☛ Tell me about a problem you had with a supervisor?
☛ Tell me about your ability to work under pressure?
☛ Explain what has disappointed you most about a previous job?
☛ What motivates you to do your best on the job?
☛ Do your skills match this job or another job more closely?
☛ How would you know you were successful on this job?
☛ Would you be willing to relocate if required?
☛ Are you willing to put the interests of the organization ahead of your own?
☛ Describe your management style?
☛ What have you learned from mistakes on the job?
☛ Do you have any blind spots?
☛ If you were hiring a person for this job, what would you look for?
☛ Do you think you are overqualified for this position?
☛ How do you propose to compensate for your lack of experience?
☛ What qualities do you look for in a boss?
☛ Tell me about a time when you helped resolve a dispute between others.
☛ What position do you prefer on a team working on a project?
☛ What has been your biggest professional disappointment?
☛ Tell me about the most fun you have had on the job.
☛ What are the most difficult decisions to make?
☛ Give some examples of teamwork?
☛ Do you prefer to work Independently or on a team?
☛ How would you describe your work style?
☛ Describe a typical work week?
☛ How Will Your Greatest Strength Help You Perform?
☛ Describe a time when your workload was heavy?
☛ How will you achieve your goals?
☛ What can you contribute to the company?
☛ What challenges are you looking for?
☛ Who was your best boss?
☛ Have you ever had difficulty working with a manager?
☛ What were your starting and final levels of compensation?
☛ How do you deal with conflict?
☛ How would you tackle the first 90 days?
☛ Tell me about a time you faced an ethical dilemma?
☛ What did you like or dislike about your previous job?
☛ What was the biggest accomplishment in this position?
☛ What negative thing would your last boss say about you?
☛ Give me an example of a time when you had to think out of the box?
☛ Tell me about your proudest achievement?
☛ Tell me about a project you worked on that required heavy analytical thinking?
☛ Tell me about a time when you failed?
☛ Do you have any questions for me?