News / Article Writers

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“News / Article Writers related Frequently Asked Questions in various News And Article Writers job interviews by interviewer. The set of questions here ensures that you offer a perfect answer posed to you. So get preparation for your new job hunting”

68 News / Article Writers Questions And Answers

41⟩ Tell us what do you know about Social Media Optimization (SMO)?

SMO is an upcoming and very exciting avenue for enhancing website popularity and traffic by harnessing the power of various social media like Twitter, Facebook, Digg, YouTube etc. Be prepared to suggest some ways to promote a product, service or website on Facebook and Twitter. So go sign into your Twitter and Facebook accounts and try out a few things to develop enough confidence in the field. Nowadays SMO is an expected skill for most content writers and SMO has blurred the distinction between SEO and content writing as both, Search Engine Optimizers and Content Writers dabble in the field. Check out my post on SMO tricks to get a better grasp of the subject.


42⟩ Tell me please indicate how you went about the process to get such articles done?

It will help to know what techniques the writer has used and what were the various websites referred. Also it will tell whether the articles were thoroughly read through before writing. Getting to write the appropriate content for the subject requires a step by step process. Some articles are to be written in sequential way and from the writers perspective you would come to know about the way he/she underwent to get the desired content. This will help in making your selection of writers.


43⟩ Tell me what was/is the profile in your previous/present company?

This question is relevant only for candidates with previous content writing experience. If you have written on variety of topics then it will be definitely better than having written just one type of content as most companies want writers for all types of writing jobs and not just one or two. Still, hardcore technical writers will not be expected to have a wide writing range except for their own domain. For others it’s advantageous to present yourself as generic content writer and not specialized unless the job demands so; for instance, travel writing job. Apart from the writing part also mention other associated responsibilities like, finding keywords, URL suggestion, title tags, page layout decisions, content selection, handling a team, editing etc.


44⟩ Explain me what steps do you take when you actually create your content?

Mediocre Responses:

☛ I write my blog post in Word and then post it when it’s ready.

Great Responses:

☛ I write my blog post in Word, add hyperlinks to at least three other pieces of content on our site that we’ve published, and add at least one hyperlink to a third party resource.

☛ I ensure there’s an associated featured image for the post by going to a stock image site.

☛ I always make sure there’s a clear call to action at the end of each post.

☛ For quality control, I make sure at least one other person has proofread it before publishing.

☛ I optimize the title for a target keyword by looking at what terms people are searching for in Google.


46⟩ Tell me how do you optimize your content for search?

A good content creator will be familiar with the basics of search engine optimization (SEO). Your ideal candidate will answer this question by describing how he or she (a) determines which keywords to focus on and (b) works those keywords into the content.


47⟩ Explain me your Strong and Weak points?

Although this question is normally asked in a written submission but it’s quite relevant as it can be used to convey a good impression when handled with tack. Obviously you will easily jot down your strong points like organic SEO writing, discipline, creativity, originality, consistency, team work and so on but what about the weak points. lies the sticky point. Write the weak points in such a manner that they seem like your strong ones. For instance you may say/write that you are a stickler for deadlines, grammar, creativity and originality and so on. Just remember you should only convey such points which will either give a good or neutral impression and not any negative one.


48⟩ Tell me what content marketing blogs do you read normally?

☛ Why it’s important to ask this: Is the candidate really interested in content marketing? Do they take personal initiative to educate themselves and grow as a content marketer? Or will they only grow solely through your mentorship on the job?

☛ What to look out for: See if they mention specific blogs. If they just say, “you know, all of them,” or “the usual ones,” they are likely not reading any.


49⟩ Tell me do You Have a Strong Work Ethic?

The best content writer in the world is of no use to you and your business if they never submit their work to you! Some people might worry if a writer has a full-time job in addition to freelance writing gigs, but if the writer is skilled at time management or realistic in what they can and can’t accomplish in the amount of time available, a full-time jobshouldn’tbe an issue. Instead, ask about theirprocess in completing jobs. Do they use the entire time available to them, or do they wait until the last few days to complete jobs. Have they ever turned work in late? If they have, did they let the client know ahead of time, or not?


50⟩ Do you know the difference between content and copy?

Copy is sales-oriented, while content is value-oriented. Copy is the stuff you’d find in a brochure, while content is what you’d find in a bona fide newsletter. A good writer should know the difference between the two.


51⟩ Explain what do you think about key word research?

This question is a bit tricky to get to know about the way the writer writes their content. Also you would come to know whether the writer is aware of the importance of using keywords. It would also help to know about the knowledge level of the writer especially the usage of appropriate words that is mostly in use. You would need to get them to speak about their examples and how they utilize their language skills. From such aspects it will help to know whether they are updating themselves.


52⟩ Explain me what Ideas Do You Have For Our Blog?

Probably not the first question that comes to mind, but an important one nonetheless. The old adage goes that if you keep doing the same thing, you’re bound to get the same results. There’s a reason you’re hiring someone else you want a different perspective, a different voice, right? This question can be answered by asking what blogs, books or magazines they read, who would play them in the movie version of their life, or what profession they would choose if they could start all over. You might be surprised by the answers, but what you’re really looking for is to be entertained by their responses!


53⟩ Do you know what is proofreading process?

There’s more to good proofreading than reading your content over and over again on the screen. A good writer will have a process (or several to choose from) for proofing each piece of content. Some of my tactics are reading the content out loud and reviewing a printed copy. Give bonus points if they mention my super-ninja trick for when it’s gotta be perfect: reading it backwards.


54⟩ Tell me how Do You Define a Credible Source?

Attention to detail is important in all endeavors, including content writing. While blatantly making up facts, figures or sources is an obvious no-no, a content writer should also be cognizant that not every source is as credible as the next. Looking over writing samples, are there links to credible sources (medical journals, direct quotes from experts, respected newspapers like the Wall Street Journal or New York Times, etc.), or are the links from user-contributed sites like Wikipedia where there is little to no oversight? Keep in mind that every word on your site is a reflection of you and your business, whether you wrote it or not.


55⟩ Write a short article on the given topic (test)?

As a candidate for content writing job this small test is to be expected. But don’t get nervous, remembering that you have written enough content previously (even if you have no formal work exp.) to write the small piece. Be cool and calm and take your time to write a good, simple, relevant article without any grammatical errors. Any error will definitely give a negative impression, so avoid it like plague.


56⟩ Do you know how do you know if your content has performed well or not?

Mediocre Response:

☛ Usually I just know if it’s done well or not.

Great Response:

☛ I look at Google Analytics after a few days to see how many page views it has received.

☛ I search on Google for the target keyword I was optimizing for to see if it ranked in the first page.

☛ I look at the Twitter counter on the post to see how many tweets cite this post.


57⟩ Tell us which professional organizations do you belong to?

A good writer views his or her work as a business, one that is worth investing in—and part of that investment involves joining professional organizations. They offer the opportunity to keep up with trends, sharpen skills, and benefit from interaction with other professionals. And a good writer will find a way to come up with the annual dues.


59⟩ Tell me what process do you use when proofreading?

☛ Why it’s important to ask this: I certainly want a content marketer to have an opinion about what works and what doesn’t work. however, it’s also important that they are able to accept critique about their work and make changes as necessary.

☛ What to look out for: Attention to to detail and an understanding of proper usage of the english language is key elements of quality content. (Did you catch the three mistakes?) Follow-up questions could include:

► What are some of your greatest “pet peeves” when editing someone else’s writing?

► Which style guide(s) do you depend upon? See “Great Responses” in the Content Marketing Interview template.