News / Article Writers

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“News / Article Writers related Frequently Asked Questions in various News And Article Writers job interviews by interviewer. The set of questions here ensures that you offer a perfect answer posed to you. So get preparation for your new job hunting”

68 News / Article Writers Questions And Answers

21⟩ Tell me have you ever contributed guest content to a website in the past? If so, what was your process for pitching? How did you find new editors to work with? In other words, how do you analyze the sites you choose to write for?

A good answer would be something about taking time to get to know the site by commenting and sharing content, and then sending a pitch complete with sample articles for the editor to check out. A great way to find new sites is to continually keep up with social media and check out the sites that your connections are associated with. Understanding PageRank is also a plus.


22⟩ Tell me what are the type of articles you have written? Please provide samples of at least 2 of your best?

From this question you would be able to judge the type of articles that they are ‘interested’ to write. Then you would be able to allocate specific contents to such persons depending on their interests. But sometimes, there are writers who do manage to write a variety of topics. This would mean that they have habit of reading and gathering information. Based on the type of contents that you are interested to display, you need to be careful in selecting writers. By reading the articles you would be getting to know on how much depth they are involved in the related subject. Besides, getting writers for writing technical related subjects needs to be based on their technical writing skills and their education qualification.


23⟩ Tell me what are your different writing styles and what tones of writing do you have experience with?

This question would help to get in contact with writers who are well versed in writing different styles. When we say style, it means the way the writer writes and the technique the writer uses mainly the word choice, the syntax, the tone. Sometimes, it is also considered as voice that readers listen when they read the content work. Get to know whether the writer uses descriptive style, narrative style, argumentative style or persuasive style. From that you would get to know how they put use of their words, structure their sentence, whether logics are used. Each writer creates their own niche.


24⟩ Explain me an example of feedback you’ve received on a writing assignment and tell me about how you incorporated that feedback in future work?

Creating content for marketing purposes requires a collaborative effort. You want a content marketing writer who is open to receiving feedback — both positive and negative — on their work, and who is willing and able to incorporate that feedback into their future writing efforts. A writer who gets defensive or isn’t open to suggestions will just cause you headaches.


25⟩ Tell us what operating systems and programs do you use?

True story: On two occasions at my last corporate job, we hired writers who showed up on their first day, took one look at their computers, and said, “Oh, you use PCs.” Yep, they’d only ever used Macs. Each assured us it wouldn’t be a problem, but … yeah, it was. So if you’re hiring a content creator to work on-site with your team, make sure he or she is hip to the program—literally.


26⟩ Explain me some reference of your previous work?

Keep in handy a pen drive containing your best write ups. Yes, you need to be selective; we all know the nonsense we write in the early days of our content writing career and even when we just don’t feel like proof reading some write up, so skip such stuff. It’s always advisable to show a wide variety of write-ups like blogs, articles, home page and on different topics. Also if the write-up is under your name it’s even better for sake of authenticity. But as we know copywriting signifies that the identity of the actual writer is not disclosed so I’ll suggest another way to prove your credentials. Post some articles on varied topics like technology, travel, tourism etc on article submission sites like Hubpages, Ezine, Buksia and so on. I did that and it paid off in a big way. Writers looking for a career in web journalism should have posted related articles on some online magazines or current affairs sites.


27⟩ Explain do you prefer to work with your own ideas based on the assignments or couple up with those situations?

This will help to know whether the writer is having ideas to incorporate and bring out new thoughts. Based on the skill or talent you would need to know how you hire another writer who would be supportive. Or if the writer is happy to write contents on the subject being given, then you would need to make choice based on the type of work assignments or type of work to be executed example whether marketing or web site contents. Some writers do have lot of ideas and thoughts but they may not know what is the requirement in the market and will be willing to adapt themselves. Such writers are sometimes preferred as they will be willing to change according to the situation and write contents to suit the trend.


28⟩ Explain me an example of a time you disagreed with a boss or a client about a writing assignment and how you handled the situation?

When you’re hiring a skilled content marketing writer, you want to get the most out of the money you’re paying for his expertise. While you want someone who can take and make good use of your feedback, you don’t want someone who will stay silent when you’re guiding him in the wrong direction. You should look for a writer who is able to disagree respectfully and effectively communicate his expertise to you.


29⟩ Explain what types of social networking techniques do you use to make sure your content is always earning visibility?

This is a great opportunity for the candidate to talk about Google+ and the importance of Google+. This network is only going to get more important as Google begins to alter SERPs based on connections and shares, and this is something a writer should be aware of when it comes time to get involved with authorship and social sharing.


30⟩ How to produce an original writing sample?

☛ Why it’s important to ask this: Many candidates may come in with writing samples from the past, but they may not accurately reflect the candidate’s capabilities. For example, the sample may have been proofed by a manager. Furthermore, it doesn’t accurately assess whether the candidate can create content that relates to your specific industry and topics.

☛ What to look for: I typically ask candidates to download one of our eBooks and summarize them in a 400 word blog post to bring to the second round interview. Things I look for from the resulting sample are:

★ Grammar, spelling, and attention to detail. Did they care enough about the job to proofread the post?

★ Title of the post. Did they come up with a creative title for the post? Is it SEO optimized? Or did they just copy the title of the eBook?

★ Call to Action. Did they include a call to action to the full eBook at the end of the post?

★ Paragraphs and structure. Is the post quickly skimmable? Or is it a wall of words?

Similar to interviews for other positions where candidates are asked riddles, the candidate may not use these skills every day on the job, but all of the above interview questions help tease out if they are cut out to be a well rounded content marketer.


31⟩ Tell me do you have any background knowledge working with ____ or related topics? If so, how do you continue to make sure you are creative and not regurgitating the same information as other blogs out there?

I typically go around to different blogs to find a topic, and then I take that topic and find a bunch of articles regarding that topic. I try to take bits and pieces of each, and the majority of the time a new angle or opinion will come to me through all of the research.


32⟩ Tell me what makes content “successful”?

☛ Why it’s important to ask this: In order to create great content, you have to know how to discern which content is doing well in the first place.

☛ What to look out for: There are many answers to this question, so this helps tease out what type of content marketer the candidate is. Here are some possible answers:

☆ “Traffic”

☆ “Repeat visitors”

☆ “Retweets and likes”

☆ “Search engine ranking”

☆ “Comments”

☆ “Leads and sales”

☆ “It depends”

☆ The more they name off and can sensibly explain the importance of, the better.


33⟩ Explain how do you manage deadlines or priorities?

If we are looking to get contents that are really eye catching and attractive then you would need to know the mind-set of the writer. Writers do like to allow their thoughts flow like river. But if there is a boulder on the way the water gets stagnated and moves slowly. So does the creative thoughts. Hence, by getting to know on how much time the writer needs to get contents that are relevant and catchy, you would be able to know whether he/she would be suited to your business. As the type of contents varies so do the type of writers. So you would need to decide on which topic for which type of writer and allocate accordingly. Some writers do need to spend some time while some are able to write depending on their skill. If the writer requires time to write quality contents its best to provide ample time. Writers do indicate their priorities and also how they meet the deadlines. Being a little flexible is best solution to get articles that will be of good quality.


34⟩ General News / Article Writers Interview Questions

☛ Can you please walk me thru your CV? (The interviewer can interrupt you, and ask you the question based on the information provided on your CV).

☛ Can you tell me about yourself?

☛ Why did you choose technical writing as your career?

☛ Have you done any certification course?

☛ What are the challenges faced by technical writer?

☛ Can you explain me the workflow of your current organization?

☛ What made you to hunt for a new job?

☛ Are you comfortable working extra hours?

☛ What are your achievement as a tech writer in your present organization?

☛ How will you add value to our organization?

☛ Different between CV and Resume?


35⟩ Technical News / Article Writers Interview Questions

☛ Challenges faced during information gathering?

☛ List of publication tools you have worked?

☛ Different between Ms Word and Framemaker?

☛ Different between Structured Framemaker and Unstructured Framemaker?

☛ Different between XML and HTML?

☛ Can you explain me the process involved in DDLC?

☛ Can you explain me the process involved in SDLC?

☛ How do DDLC and SDLC work parallel?

☛ How do you estimate time for documentation?

☛ What is topic based authoring?

☛ How do you interview SME’s?

☛ Challenges faced during interviewing SME’s?

☛ Have you worked on UML? or What is UML (Unified Modeling Language)?

☛ Have you worked on Video Editing? (Ex: Camtasia)

☛ Could you show me your sample documents?

☛ Different between active voice and passive voice?

☛ Different between which and that?

☛ Different between its and it’s?

☛ Different between there and their?

☛ Types of clauses? What is restrictive clause and non-restrictive clause?

☛ Types of commas?

☛ What do you mean by callout?

☛ What process do you follow for translation?

☛ Overview on Robohelp and MS Word?

☛ What is text conditioning?

☛ Review process involved in technical writing?

☛ Different between User Manual and User Guide?

☛ Have you worked on API documentation? (Only asked, if the project is related to API Documentation).

☛ Have you published any article?

☛ When do we use Organise and Organize?

☛ Different between your and you’re?


36⟩ Operational News / Article Writers Interview Questions

☛ There can be a considerable amount of repetitive work — how would you stay motivated?

☛ How do you maintain attention to detail?

☛ How do you approach proof-reading material?

☛ What would you expect from us as your employer to keep you motivated?

☛ Tell us how your background and experience makes you a fit for this role?

☛ What do you know about this company?

☛ Who are our customers are and where are they located?

☛ Where would you ideally see yourself a year from now and in three years from now?


37⟩ Role-specific News / Article Writers Interview Questions

☛ Why do we invest in producing content that we give away for free?

☛ How do you think people discover our content?

☛ What’s the importance of voice for a brand?

☛ How would you go about giving voice to a brand?

☛ If I told you you need to make 50 pieces of content per week what would you say?

☛ How many pieces of content do you think you could deliver in a week?

☛ How would you go about prioritizing one piece of content over another?

☛ What new content would you recommend for our marketing operation?

☛ How do you go about improving SEO for content?

☛ What’s the value of an infographic?


38⟩ Explain me what do you know about your target audience, and how do you really make sure you are leaving a lasting impression?

This is a tough question to answer, but most good candidates will explain that the target audience is typically small business marketing departments. This of course depends on the type of company that the candidate wrote for in the past (which might very well be slightly different than your current audience).


39⟩ Explain me what are some good ways to get other people to link to your content?

► Why it’s important to ask this: The candidate may understand Google ranks content based on inbound links, but they also need to know how to accumulate inbound links.

► What to look for: A good content marketer knows how to get links by producing great link worthy content, and promoting it in a clever manner. Here are some good responses to the questions:

☛ I interview influencers, not only because they have good things to say, but because they promote the resulting content to a large audience as well—and some of those people will end up linking back to my interview.

☛ I include content others can reuse. For example, I may create a quick infographic that other bloggers may want to curate or include in their own posts, with a link back to mine.

☛ I write long form content so I have the most comprehensive and authoritative post on a particular subject, which tempts others to link to me as the reference source.


40⟩ Do you know how do to decide what to content create?

Mediocre Responses:

☛ My manager tells me what I should write about and gives me an outline.

☛ I look at what’s trending and pick an interesting topic.

Great Responses:

☛ I keep a backlog of keywords that people are searching for in Google related to my target topic, and create posts based on the backlog.

☛ I set up Google News alerts and a feed reader to look at which topics are trending in the news that relate to my topic area. I come up with spins on those topics to newsjack those stories.

☛ I regularly ask the sales team what questions their prospects are asking, and use the responses as fodder for my next post.