Social Media Manager

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“SMM related Frequently Asked Questions in various Social Media Manager job interviews by interviewer. The set of questions here ensures that you offer a perfect answer posed to you. So get preparation for your new job hunting”

92 Social Media Manager Questions And Answers

21⟩ Explain some tricks that can drive more traffic to your blog posts?

Few tricks that can drive more traffic to your blog posts are

☛ Promote your content or BlogPost across a wider variety of Platforms like

☛ ☛ com

☛ ☛ Tumblr

☛ ☛ com

☛ Create a 6-second preview of your post with app(iPhone) like Vine and post it on tweeter with a link to the blog post

☛ Give a short presentation of content or blog on Slide-Share and provide link to the content or to any relevant content

☛ Pin your post to Pinterest contributors board by choosing attractive image, title of your blog post, adding keywords and hashtags

☛ Use Instagram to share the image or title of your blog post. Share your blog post images to Tumblr, Facebook, Flickr, Twitter and Foursquare


22⟩ Explain me what Social Media platform(s) are best for your business? (and have them explain why)?

Ask them to describe the “personality” of your company brand in 3 words. They should have done research on your company and your customers before assessing the potential across today’s social media channels. Facebook, Twitter, your company blog, Instagram, Pinterest, and YouTube are awesome channels and each has different marketing tactics.


24⟩ Tell me can you describe your biggest social media failure?

Everyone has failures, some larger than others. Of course, what you really want to know, is how they dealt with it. Gain insight into their coping skills and how they deal with negatives by seeing how the issue was resolved. Pay attention to what they did (or didn’t do) to ensure that the failure wouldn’t happen again.


25⟩ Tell us how is ROI defined in social media?

Contrary to popular thinking, ROI can always be measured in social media. But it can be perceptual. What are your goals? Were they achieved? If so, then you had a positive ROI. Did your campaigns help your business in any way or have any positive effects? If they did, then you were successful.

Social media ROI is not always tied to tangible business benefits. Ask the social media manager which factors can be measured and how they will be reported to demonstrate the value they bring to your business.


26⟩ Tell me how do you evaluate new social platforms? How do you stay on top of the latest updates and innovations in Social Media?

The social landscape is always changing. Even the most experienced social media managers need to refine their skills, update their strategies and practice new techniques. A social media manager should have experience with building engagement and showing results across multiple platforms and with several different tools.

There are some platforms considered to be the juggernauts right now, but remember the days of AOL, MySpace and eBay? Would you consider hiring a social media manager who pitched at engaging your I.T customers on MySpace? I doubt it. The point is that the social landscape is dynamic and a social media manager should be constantly evaluating new platforms and making recommendations to you on whether they are suitable for you to explore.


28⟩ Tell me what is something that most every tweet should include and why?

Most every tweet should include a link to something; whether it be an article, a page to enter a give-a-way, or a photo/video, tweets should be thought of as a launchpad to something else where your followers can find more information about the tweet. Putting a link in your tweets adds value to your followers and it gives them the opportunity to engage with your tweet & brand. If your link is useful and/or desirable to them, they’ll undoubtedly pay even more attention to you once you’ve proven yourself as a good source of whatever it is they want.


30⟩ Explain me what do you think is the most important thing a Social Media Manager should be doing?

A solid answer you should look for would be something along the lines of ‘monitoring’ and/or ‘listening’ to your audiences within your social domains. It’s quite an ambiguous question, but the answers will provide insight into their general thinking about managing your social campaigns. The key word many fail to incorporate is social. If answers are not somewhat geared towards a social dynamic, then they have missed the point completely.


31⟩ Explain would Google+ be worth using for our business?

This should highlight the extent of your potential social media managers Google+ knowledge. Google indexes Google+ content faster than content posted anywhere else. It’s a platform that has grown rapidly since its launch in 2011 and is now one of the main social platforms. A social media manager should know this and should understand whether your target audience is present there, thus viable for your business, and how Google+ can be leveraged to fulfill your wider marketing objectives.


32⟩ Tell us what social platforms do you specialise in? Why would these particular platforms be right for our business?

Different social networks have different audiences and practices. Not every network is right for every business or industry. For example, how could a pharmaceutical company possibly engage in drug marketing on Twitter? The reality is that most businesses can take advantage of the networks out there in some way, but if there are limitations, you want your social media manager to be aware of them.


33⟩ Tell me how do you deal with negative comments or a brand reputation crisis?

The way they define ‘crisis’ can tell you a lot about how much experience they have. If they haven’t had a real crisis in their own experience, they should at least be familiar with some famous brand reputation blunders. Dealing with negative comments or reviews properly is vital to this position, ask for examples.


35⟩ Tell us what is a limitation you have experienced on a social media platform? How did you overcome this?

You could just answer this by saying that you used a different platform to cover the shortcomings of the other. This isn’t a bad answer. In fact, it can be part of a good answer. However, you should definitely know how to overcome or at least deal with limitations on social media platforms. For example, Facebook has severe limitations when it comes to organic (non-paid) reach. One way to overcome this without paying on Facebook is to use email marketing and subscription-based methods to gently guide people to the page with links and suggestions (a strategy recommended by Facebook Marketing Expert Mari Smith).4 If you have your own awesome anecdote already, that’s even better!


36⟩ Explain how would they allocate your budget for social media advertising?

Ask them to describe a plan for how best to allocate your budget and how they would know if it’s successful.

A typical budget consideration is for Facebook ads. Depending on your company and your market, a minimum $500/month is a good start.

Investment in social media and content marketing is prerequisite for success. There are 6 main ways you’re going to invest if you want to see ROI (return on investment):

☛ Financial

☛ Time

☛ Manpower

☛ Attention

☛ Monitoring, publishing and reporting software

☛ Training


37⟩ Tell us how would you deal with a negative comments or a social media crisis?

To deal with a negative or heated comments over social media sites you can use following steps

☛ Respond Quickly: The first 24 hours for any post on the social media site is crucial for any negative comments made. Justify your brand or content if it is legitimate or else apologize if you are wrong. Don’t use an approach of tit for tat

☛ Create crisis FAQs: Create a web page and put all the information about the crisis in one place so that it can help you to respond the crisis when it really occurs the FAQs should include

☛ ☛ Acknowledgment of crisis

☛ ☛ Details about the occurrence

☛ ☛ If available, photos or videos

☛ ☛ How company found out

☛ ☛ Specific action takes in response,

☛ Document every facet: Once you hit by the social media crisis record each bit of it like tweets, blog comments, status updates,

☛ Never send third reply: A third reply is an argument and not a justification, on third reply you take it offline

☛ Seek help from experienced community manager: Community manager is aware of the in and out of the product and knows well how to handle disgruntled customers


38⟩ Tell me how do you measure social return on investment (ROI)?

To measure the ROI that you invested in social media, you can consider using tools like the Conversation Measurement Tool on Facebook and optimized CPM. You can also use Google Analytics or LinkedIn, which have their own analytics. The criteria remain same to track the traffic like clicks, shares, purchases, number of likes, etc. ROI metric may also include

☛ e-mail subscription

☛ Website blog traffic

☛ Webinar registration

☛ Registration for content downloads,etc.


39⟩ Explain and give us an example of a limitation on a social platform that you have experienced? How did you overcome this?

A social media manager should know that social networks come with limitations; API calls, bandwidth limitations, character limits etc… If a social media manager has never run into limitations and hasn’t experienced how to overcome them, then this likely means that they are not very experienced. In fact, they will probably be completely new to the social media landscape. Asking how they overcome any hurdles with their past or current clients will give you a good indication of how they respond to adversity.