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“Branch Manager related Frequently Asked Questions by expert members with job experience as Branch Manager. These questions and answers will help you strengthen your technical skills, prepare for the new job interview and quickly revise your concepts”

55 Branch Manager Questions And Answers

1⟩ Tell me what is your biggest weakness as Branch Manager?

No one likes to answer this question because it requires a very delicate balance. You simply can’t lie and say you don’t have one; you can’t trick the interviewer by offering up a personal weakness that is really a strength (“Sometimes, I work too much and don’t maintain a work-life balance.”); and you shouldn’t be so honest that you throw yourself under the bus (“I’m not a morning person so I’m working on getting to the office on time.”)

Think of a small flaw like “I sometimes get sidetracked by small details”, “I am occasionally not as patient as I should be with subordinates or co-workers who do not understand my ideas”, or “I am still somewhat nervous and uncomfortable with my public-speaking skills and would like to give more presentations and talk in front of others or in meetings.” Add that you are aware of the problem and you are doing your best to correct it by taking a course of action.


2⟩ What have you learned from mistakes on this job as Branch Manager?

Candidates without specific examples often do not seem credible. However, the example shared should be fairly inconsequential, unintentional, and a learned lesson should be gleaned from it. Moving ahead without group assistance while assigned to a group project meant to be collaborative is a good example.


3⟩ Please Explain How Would You Describe Your Management Style?

One of the most common management job interview questions is going to be about your specific management style. There are various ways to answer this question. You may be tempted to share a specific management style, but the best answer to this question is, “I choose to adapt my management techniques based on the present situation, as work environments are constantly dynamic and often need to be handled in unique, novel ways.”


4⟩ As you know our field is always changing. As such, what have you done with regards to personal development when it comes to a BRANCH MANAGER POSITION in the last 12 months?

That is a really great question. While I haven’t had the opportunity to develop within this particular role per se, I have actually become very involved in my local foodbank this year. This has taught me a great deal about community, teamwork, and taking initiative.


5⟩ What are your salary expectations as Branch Manager?

Many consider this question to be a loaded gun – dangerous in the hands of the inexperienced. Often times, an interviewee will start talking salary before they’ve had an opportunity to illustrate their skill set and value making any sort of leverage valueless. Here, knowledge is power, as salary often comes down to negotiation. Do some research into your industry to establish base rates of pay based on seniority and demand but keep in mind – your employer is hiring you for what they believe you are worth, and how much benefit they feel you will provide.


8⟩ Tell me are you comfortable reprimanding employees for negative behaviors? If so, can you provide your approach to discipline?

Yes, I am comfortable reprimanding employees if they engage in behaviors that have a negative impact on the company. It can be awkward, but it is necessary if someone refuses to perform the job properly since his or her performance is a reflection of your managerial aptitude. I believe a minor infraction warrants a warning. An intermediate infraction warrants a write-up. If an employee fails to improve or commits a serious infraction, termination or suspension may be considered. I have never had to discharge an employee on those grounds, but I have had to issue warnings and write ups.


10⟩ Explain common manager competencies?

The management job interview will focus on questions that look for evidence of management competencies. You will be asked to provide specific examples of when you have demonstrated the required competency. Reflect on your past experiences, select appropriate examples and plan your response using the following structure:

☛ Describe the specific situation or task you were involved in

☛ Detail the action and steps you took in the situation

☛ Outline the results and outcome of your actions

Go through these manager interview questions that explore the essential competencies for a management position. Use the answer guidelines to help you prepare your own excellent interview answers.


11⟩ Why should the we hire you as Branch Manager?

This is the part where you link your skills, experience, education and your personality to the job itself. This is why you need to be utterly familiar with the job description as well as the company culture. Remember though, it’s best to back them up with actual examples of say, how you are a good team player.

It is possible that you may not have as much skills, experience or qualifications as the other candidates. What then, will set you apart from the rest? Energy and passion might. People are attracted to someone who is charismatic, who show immense amount of energy when they talk, and who love what it is that they do. As you explain your compatibility with the job and company, be sure to portray yourself as that motivated, confident and energetic person, ever-ready to commit to the cause of the company.


12⟩ Tell Us How Do You Delegate Tasks?

You should answer this question with specific examples of methods you use to delegate tasks, “For each staff member I create a sheet of detailed, relevant tasks and estimated deadlines. I then meet with each staff member individually to ensure they also agree to the deadlines and answer any questions they have. I also schedule regular work in progress meetings to check in on their status.”


13⟩ Do you have any questions to ask us regarding our operations?

Never ask Salary, perks, leave, place of posting, etc. regarded questions.

Try to ask more about the company to show how early you can make a contribution to your organization like

“Sir, with your kind permission I would like to know more about induction and developmental programs?”


Sir, I would like to have my feedback, so that I can analyze and improve my strengths and rectify my shortcomings.


14⟩ Explain me about a tough decision you had to make recently at work, how did you go about making the decision?

In your interview answer show how you are able to review the relevant facts, consider alternatives and decide on the most appropriate action. Discuss how you take into consideration the available resources and any possible constraints.

Manager interview questions will also explore your ability to delegate effectively.


15⟩ Tell me what methods have you used to prioritize work assignments?

In your interview answer focus on your planning and organizational skills. Describe your ability to establish objectives, set priorities, plan proper assignment of tasks, allocate resources effectively, use appropriate organizational tools and follow up on work and task status.


16⟩ Do you know knowledge requirements for a manager job?

The knowledge requirements will vary depending on the employer, level and scope of the manager job. However typical knowledge requirements for managerial or supervisory jobs include:

☛ business and management principles

☛ strategic planning

☛ administrative procedures

☛ operating systems

☛ understanding of accounting and financial reports

☛ organizational planning tools

☛ information processing applications

☛ relevant software applications

☛ human resource management principles

Manager interview questions around the knowledge requirements are answered by reviewing your resume or CV as they refer directly to your qualifications and work task experience.

Anticipate and plan for interview questions that explore your training, your qualifications and your task experience, with reference to the specific knowledge requirements listed. Examples include:

"What methods have you used to evaluate your employees' job performance?"

"What experience do you have in setting budgets?"

"What systems have you developed and implemented to improve operating efficiency in your department?"


17⟩ What do you see yourself doing in five years as Branch Manager?

This one is all about job commitment.

Some people make job hopping a career in of itself, and your answer here can be telling. Here, your interviewer is determining if you are:

☛ someone who sets goals

☛ someone who has a vision

☛ someone who is reliable

☛ someone who demonstrates commitment

☛ someone who is loyal

While no interviewer expects someone to stay at a company forever, try and craft your response in such a way that shows progression in your career, and alignment with the Company’s needs and future. Again, self awareness is key – your employer doesn’t want to send you down an unwanted path, resulting in wasted time and energy for everyone.


19⟩ Tell me what do you like about your job?

I really enjoy all the people I work with. They make it enjoyable and fun to come to work with every morning. I like that and I like that I get to kind of do things at my own speed.


20⟩ Tell me how do you ensure that you evaluate employee performance from a neutral, non-biased perspective?

During an evaluation, I remain professional and focus on the outcome of the employees’ actions. I do not consider personal relationships at all, and I take the time to closely examine the written record of each employee. I feel that written records offer more information in regards to performance as opposed to my personal opinion. For example, if an employee has a history of showing up late, the issue must be addressed whether or not you enjoy working with the employee. If you fail to treat all of your employees equally, the team will fall apart.