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“Physics Teacher based Frequently Asked Questions by expert members with experience as Physics Teacher. These questions and answers will help you strengthen your technical skills, prepare for the new job test and quickly revise the concepts”

70 Physics Teacher Questions And Answers

63⟩ Tell me do you have any specific advice for dealing with panel interviews?

When you are being interviewed by a panel or a committee, it is vital to look at everyone as you answer each question. If Dr. X asks you something, state Dr. X's name in your reply but address it to all the people in front of you, not just Dr. X. Everyone on the panel is evaluating you and they each need to know that you recognize their presence and authority even if they don't ask you a question. You should also offer extra copies of your résumé/CV and publications list as you begin the interview. Smile and maintain eye contact. Finally, request contact information for everyone on the panel so you can write each of them an individualized thank-you note.


65⟩ Tell me what is dark matter?

Dark matter is an invisible matter in the space that can hold the stars into the galaxy. They have no effect of electromagnetic force on it, which means it does absorb, reflect or emit light that makes them practically invisible.


66⟩ Do you know what is dyne?

Dyne is a unit of force or also referred as C-G-S (centimetre – gram –-second). It means that when a force is applied to mass of 1 gram, it gives acceleration of 1 centimetre per second.


68⟩ Do you know what is Wave-Particle duality?

When matter and light exhibits properties of both waves and particles, it is referred as Wave-Particle duality. For instance, Light can behave like wave when it shines through narrow slits while, when exposed to some metal surface it will spray electrons acting as a particle. So under different conditions it will act.


70⟩ Do you know what is “Convection”?

Convection is the process of transferring heat by movement of heated fluid such as water or air. In this process, the heated fluid expands, and gravity pulls the denser masses under them thus forcing them into motion. One good example is a draft of lamps and stoves.