Teaching Assistant

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“Teaching Assistant frequently Asked Questions by expert members with experience in Teaching Assistant. These questions and answers will help you strengthen your technical skills, prepare for the new job test and quickly revise the concepts”

32 Teaching Assistant Questions And Answers

1⟩ Why you want to be a teaching assistant?

This is an opportunity to talk about your previous experiences of working or volunteering with children and what you enjoyed and learned. Even if your experience is limited to babysitting or volunteering try and bring out pertinent information a positive way.


2⟩ Why you want to work at this school?

Having looked at the school's website I was impressed by the positive outlook and the initiatives used (anti-bullying/anti-racism/healthy eating) to make the school a happy and safe place for its pupils and staff.


9⟩ Who is Teaching Assistant?

A teaching assistant or teacher's aide (TA) or education assistant (EA) is an individual who assists a teacher with instructional responsibilities.


10⟩ Can school reserves the right to cancelled my assignment?

Yes, the School reserves the right to cancel any course tutorial section or replace or reassign teaching assistants for any reason, at any time prior to the third scheduled class, in which case your "Assignment of Duties" contract is thereby ended.


11⟩ What to do if you not receive an assignment?

There is no need to contact the School, your application will be kept on file and you may be selected if the schedule is revised. Please continue to check the online TA assignment list daily for revisions.


12⟩ What duties Teaching Assistant play?

Under the supervision of the course instructor (faculty or contract instructor ), you may be assigned duties related to marking, tutorial attendance and participation, office hours and similar duties depending on your particular assignment.


13⟩ Tell me the responsibilities of a Teaching Assistant?

► Keep in touch with your course instructor during the term.

► Make sure your instructor has your email address and telephone number.

► Be on time for all meetings with your instructor.

► Be prepared for and attend your assigned tutorial section and office hours.

► Promptly return marked assignments as required by the instructor.


14⟩ How you support school's programme of extra-curricular provision?

Any interviewee can expect to answer a number of questions about the school, so learning a bit about the place beforehand is vital. Prior to the interview, find out as much as possible about the school's extracurricular activities, Ofsted results, what type of backgrounds the children come from, etc. so that the answer provided is well-informed.


15⟩ What duties include as a teaching assistant?

Helping teachers prepare for lessons by, for example, putting out equipment before a lesson starts or photocopying papers; listening to children reading and reporting back to the teacher should any issues arise; and helping children who need extra help in literacy or numeracy. A teaching assistant is there to support a teacher in the classroom.


17⟩ Do you know what makes a good lesson?

While teaching assistants don't make the lessons, they do provide invaluable help to prepare them, and a successful candidate for an assistant teaching job is one interested in the role of a teacher and prepared to support them 100%.


19⟩ Tell me your seriousness of the individual?

To gauge your seriousness of the individual, the interviewer may ask why you are actually seeking the job.

Therefore, the interviewer will first begin to gauge whether the individual is actually serious about the job or not. This can be asked via the simple question:

Why do you need the job? or why should we give you a job? Express your interest in the field of education, and your expectation to persevere for at least a semester. You may want to include your financial needs, but do not over emphasize this.


20⟩ What Experience and knowledge you have as teaching assistant?

The interviewer may ask about your previous job experience and your knowledge. This will enable the interviewer to understand your basic professional background and whether you would be able to handle the job or not. Although your experience may not be directly related, focus on your ability to follow directions, get tasks done quickly, attention to detail, etc.; skills required in any job.