Cruise Hostess

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“Cruise Hostess Frequently Asked Questions in various Cruise Hostess job interviews by interviewer. The set of questions are here to ensures that you offer a perfect answer posed to you. So get preparation for your new job interview”

56 Cruise Hostess Questions And Answers

2⟩ Tell me how did you get the job?

Getting the job was not easy. I honestly had no idea how to even go about starting this process. When people ask me “why…” I respond with “It all started because of a boy”. Usually, folks who are interested in working on cruise ships, find a recruiting agency and pay them to get them a job. This is good as it means less work for you, but can be bad as I have heard tales of folks applying for reception and being given a waitressing position or having to pay the recruiters part of their salary for the first contract or two.


8⟩ Tell me should I work on a cruise ship, private yacht, at a beach resort or as a land tour guide?

All four of these industries are great to work in. Obviously, working on a cruise ship or private yacht has tremendous appeal. You will travel to exotic locations and meet lots of interesting people. However, many people like working at destination beach resorts better. This is usually due to the fact that while working at a beach resort you generally have more free time to explore and participate in your favorite activities.

Land tour jobs are also great jobs. Many college students work for land tours in Alaska during summers and often make really good money and have a tremendous time.

In general it depends on your personal preferences and desires. All three industries we cover offer outstanding work experiences.


9⟩ Tell me how much time do you spend off the ship?

The amount of time you spend off the ship depends on three main factors

1.) The contract you hold with your employer and

2.) The amount of time your ship allows passengers to visit ports.

3.) Your position on the cruise ship. Crew members working in departments and positions that are slow or closed when a ship is in port, generally have more free time in each port.

When your ship stops at ports most crew members are allowed (and in most cases encouraged) to get off the ship and explore. Generally, crew members are allowed to be out in port until one hour prior to departure (of course, unless they are on duty).

Most cruise line contracts typically require a four to six month commitment for new employees. Some cruise lines allow you to take a limited amount of vacation time during a contract and other do not. If this is important to you, it should be discussed prior to accepting the position.


10⟩ Do you know what types employers are profiled in your Members Section?

We list and profile the following types of employers:

☛ Large Cruise Lines

☛ Medium Sized Cruise Lines

☛ Small and Specialty Cruise Lines

☛ Cruise Concessionaires

☛ Beach Resorts

☛ Other Specialty Resorts

☛ Land Tour Companies

☛ Tour and Escort Companies

☛ Adventure Travel Companies

☛ Private Yachts


11⟩ Tell me what about other benefits?

Many cruise lines, resort and tour employers do offer a full range of benefits including some or all of the following:

☛ 401K Plan

☛ Profit Sharing Plan

☛ Medical Insurance

☛ Dental and Vision Insurance

☛ Life Insurance

☛ Tuition Re-imbursement

☛ Paid Time Off

☛ Free or discounted travel for you and your family (and friends occassionally)


14⟩ Tell me can I work on the same cruise ship as my spouse or friend?

Yes, this may be possible. However, you don't want to make a whole bunch of requests before you are hired. We recommend that you and your spouse/friend each apply to the same set of companies. But you should each apply separately and then during to the mid to later stages of the interview process, you should let your recruiter/human resources representative know that your spouse/friend is also interested in working on the same ship. If a position is available that he/she is qualified for, many companies will try to make things work out.

Please note, that companies are more likely to accommodate married couples, but often they can help arrange it so you can work with a friend as well.


15⟩ Tell me are crew members allowed to use guest amenities?

Most of the cruise lines will allow their crew to use guest amenities on their time off. However, passengers always take priority when using the pool, gym etc. Most cruise will also offer their crew a mess or recreation area/ dining hall and in some cases a crew bar where drinks are sold considerable less than in passenger's bars.


16⟩ Basic Cruise Hostess Job Interview Questions

☛ Why do you want to work on a cruise ship?

☛ Why did you choose to apply for a [insert position here]?

☛ Tell me about yourself.

☛ Why do you want to work for XYZ Cruise Line?

☛ How do you handle conflict?

☛ What is your greatest strength?

☛ What is your greatest weakness?

☛ Have you ever faced a big challenge?

☛ Why should I hire you?

☛ Do you have any questions?


17⟩ Tell me how old do you need to be to work up on a cruise ship or at a beach resort?

The minimum age to work on a cruise ship is usually either 18 or 21 years old, depending on the cruise line, cruise ship and position you are applying for. Beach resorts usually have a minimum age of 18 years old for many of their positions. Many cruise lines and beach resorts will require you to be at least 21 if you are serving alcoholic beverages.


18⟩ Professional Cruise Hostess Job Interview Questions

☛ Do you get sea sick?

☛ What is your most relevant customer service experience?

☛ What companies do you feel deliver excellent customer service, why?

☛ What type of customer / passenger do you like the most?

☛ What type of customer / passenger do you like the least?

☛ How would you deal with a difficult guest?

☛ How would you deal with an intoxicated passenger?

☛ Describe a situation where you had to deal with a difficult customer.

☛ Describe a situation when you were treated well as a customer.

☛ Give an example of how you would provide exceptional customer service.

☛ How will you handle homesickness?

☛ Are you able to work 10 to 12 hours per day and seven days a week?

☛ Have you ever had a roommate?

☛ Are you able to live in a small room that you must share with another person?

☛ What is your worst personal habit?

☛ What do you think this job will do for your career?

☛ What are your goals?

☛ How do you plan to achieve your goals?

☛ How would you describe your ideal job?

☛ What is your dream cruise ship job?

☛ How long do you intend to work on cruise ships?

☛ Where do you see yourself in five years?

☛ What do you intend to do after working on cruise ships?

☛ What is your worst work habit?

☛ Have you have had a conflict with a roommate? How was it resolved?

☛ What would you do if you suspected a cabin mate was taking drugs?

☛ What would you do if you suspected a cabin mate or colleague was stealing?

☛ How would you react to finding your cabin mate in bed with somebody?


19⟩ Difficult Cruise Hostess Job Interview Questions

☛ Why are you interested in working for XYZ Cruise Line?

☛ Why did you apply to XYZ Cruise Line?

☛ What do you know about our cruise line?

☛ Why are you a good fit with XYZ Cruise Line?

☛ What does teamwork mean to you?

☛ What does it mean to be a team player?

☛ Describe an occasion when you were asked to work with a person you disliked.

☛ Does your most recent job involve teamwork?

☛ What kinds of people annoy you the most?

☛ How will you work within a team onboard?

☛ What type of difficulties do you think exist in an onboard environment?

☛ How will you live in an environment that can be difficult?


20⟩ Fresh Cruise Hostess Job Interview Questions

☛ What qualities do you feel a successful [insert position here] should have?

☛ Why do you want to work in the [insert department here]?

☛ Why are you applying for [insert position here]?

☛ What will you bring to this job?

☛ Why do you think you would be an asset to our company?

☛ How did you prepare for this interview?

☛ How do you evaluate your success?

☛ Describe a situation in which you were successful.

☛ What motivates you?

☛ Are you flexible? Give examples.

☛ Explain how you handle pressure well.