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“Cobol Interview Questions and Answers will guide us now that COBOL is one of the oldest programming languages in computer history. COBOL name is an acronym for COmmon Business-Oriented Language, defining its primary domain in business, finance, and administrative systems for companies and governments. Learn COBOL programming basic and advance concepts or get preparation of COBOL based jobs interview by our this Cobol Interview Questions and Answers Guide.”

110 Cobol Questions And Answers

41⟩ What is COMP SYNC?

Causes the item to be aligned on natural boundaries. Can be SYNCHRONIZED LEFT or RIGHT. For binary data items, the address resolution is faster if they are located at word boundaries in the memory. For example, on main frame the memory word size is 4 bytes. This means that each word will start from an address divisible by 4. If my first variable is x(3) and next one is s9(4) comp, then if you do not specify the SYNC clause, S9(4) COMP will start from byte 3 ( assuming that it starts from 0 ). If you specify SYNC, then the binary data item will start from address 4. You might see some wastage of memory, but the access to this computational field is faster.


42⟩ What is SET TO TRUE all about, anyway?

In COBOL II the 88 levels can be set rather than moving their associated values to the related data item. (Web note: This change is not one of COBOL II’s better specifications.)


45⟩ What is the difference between a binary search and a sequential search? What are the pertinent COBOL commands?

In a binary search the table element key values must be in ascending or descending sequence. The table is ‘halved’ to search for equal to, greater than or less than conditions until the element is found. In a sequential search the table is searched from top to bottom, so (ironically) the elements do not have to be in a specific sequence. The binary search is much faster for larger tables, while sequential works well with smaller ones. SEARCH ALL is used for binary searches; SEARCH for sequential.


47⟩ What is the difference between a DYNAMIC and STATIC call in COBOL?

To correct an earlier answer: All called modules cannot run standalone if they require program variables passed to them via the LINKAGE section. Dynamically called modules are those that are not bound with the calling program at link edit time (IEWL for IBM) and so are loaded from the program library (joblib or steplib) associated with the job. For DYNAMIC calling of a module the DYNAM compiler option must be chosen, else the linkage editor will not generate an executable as it will expect u address resolution of all called modules. A Statically called module is one that is bound with the calling module at link edit, and therefore becomes part of the executable load module.


48⟩ How do you sort in a COBOL program Give sort file definition, sort statement syntax and meaning?



USING file-2

GIVING file-3.

USING can be substituted by


It can be substituted by OUTPUT PROCEDURE IS para-1 THRU para-2. file-1 is the sort (work) file and must be described using SD entry in FILE SECTION. file-2 is the input file for the SORT and must be described using an FD entry in FILE SECTION and SELECT clause in FILE CONTROL. file-3 is the out file from the SORT and must be described using an FD entry in FILE SECTION and SELECT clause in FILE CONTROL. file-1, file-2 & file-3 should not be opened explicitly. INPUT PROCEDURE is executed before the sort and records must be released to the sort work file from the input procedure. OUTPUT PROCEDURE is executed after all records have been sorted. Records from the sort work file must be returned one at a time to the output procedure.


49⟩ How can I tell if a module is being called DYNAMICALLY or STATICALLY?

The ONLY way is to look at the output of the linkage editor (IEWL) or the load module itself. If the module is being called DYNAMICALLY then it will not exist in the main module, if it is being called STATICALLY then it will be seen in the load module. Calling a working storage variable, containing a program name, does not make a DYNAMIC call. This type of calling is known as IMPLICITE calling as the name of the module is implied by the contents of the working storage variable. Calling a program name literal


50⟩ What is binary search?

Search on a sorted array. Compare the item to be searched with the item at the center. If it matches, fine else repeat the process with the left half or the right half depending on where the item lies.


55⟩ What should be the sorting order for SEARCH ALL?

It can be either ASCENDING or DESCENDING. ASCENDING is default. If you want the search to be done on an array sorted in descending order, then while defining the array, you should give DESCENDING KEY clause. (You must load the table in the specified order).


58⟩ What is the difference between index and subscript?

Subscript refers to the array occurrence while index is the displacement (in no of bytes) from the beginning of the array. An index can only be modified using PERFORM, SEARCH & SET. Need to have index for a table in order to use SEARCH, SEARCH ALL.


59⟩ What does the IS NUMERIC clause establish?

IS NUMERIC can be used on alphanumeric items, signed numeric & packed decimal items and unsigned numeric & packed decimal items. “IS NUMERIC” return TRUE if the item only consists of 0-9. However, if the item being tested is a signed item, then it may contain 0-9, + and -.