Critical Reasoning

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“Critical Reasoning frequently Asked Questions in various Critical Reasoning job Interviews by interviewer. Get preparation of Critical Reasoning questions in your job interview”

28 Critical Reasoning Questions And Answers

21⟩ Although invaders represent a threat to the conservation of flora and fauna, there are two special cases in which invasion have been deliberately brought about. One is the desire to control presents by natural predators, which may have to be brought in from other countries. The second is releasing organisms into the wild(or on to farms, from which they might escape)that are completely novel, because they have been genetically engineered. There is nothing intrinsically sinister about engineered organisms, but any novelty must be regarded as a potential invader?

Pest control does not threat the conservation of flora and fauna. (True/False/Can't say)

Genetically engineered organisms must always be regarded as potentially dangerous. (True/False/Can't say)

Natural predators are work harmful than pests. (True/False/Can't say)

Genetically engineered organisms escaped from the farm, they will pose a threat to wildlife. (True/False/Can't say)




Cant say


22⟩ Hacking is a crime made possible by a relatively new technology, which one of the reasons it is often poorly understood and reported. Many computers, but no means all, are now linked together in networks which allow users on one computer to communicate with others on the same network. If a computer is not networked, no manipulation of its data from another machine is possible. So long as users are authorized, networking is just a way of making work easier and more productive. Hacking on the other hand, is the unauthorized use of networks or unauthorized entity into the computers themselves. Most people do not need to break into the networks they use, since they are already accredited users?

Most hackers are authorized to break into networks (True/False/Can't say)

Computers are only vulnerable to the unauthorized manipulation of their data via another computer if they are networked (True/False/Can't say)

The main reason why it is relatively easy to break into a computer is that few people understand the technology. (True/False/Can't say)

Hackers do not work for the firms whose networks they break into. (True/False/Can't say)






23⟩ Words in totalitarian systems have an unhealthy importance and in such states now attempting to return to a more democratic normality there has been a natural inevitable and healthy devaluation of words whereas previously a single word used in a speech or even a play or poem could be a serious political event now the words come cheaper almost free. Politics is politics again and poetry only poetry?

Totalitarian state devalue words (True/False/Can't say)

Only non-totalitarian regimes produce poetry of political importance (True/False/Can't say)

Writers under totalitarian regimes have to choose their words carefully (True/False/Can't say)

The democratic political system is healthier than others (True/False/Can't say)

Totalitarian state devalue words -true

Only non-totalitarian regimes produce poetry of political importance-false

Writers under totalitarian regimes have to choose their words carefully-True

The democratic political system is healthier than others -True


24⟩ Researchers in Mumbai have found that certain types of gallstones can be dissolved by injecting them with a gasoline additive in the form of ether. The ether is injected through a tube directly into a tube directly into the gallbladder. the one day treatment works only on cholesterol-based stones. Not those composed largely of calcium. however as the cholesterol stones are by far the most common type for millions of gallstones sufferers the treatment should offer a welcome alternative to surgery (the most common option in most hospitals)?

injecting ether into the gallbladder dissolves most gallstones (True/False/Can't say)

surgery is the only treatment for calcium stones (True/False/Can't say)

hundreds of people contains calcium stones (True/False/Can't say)

calcium stones will be cured in one day (True/False/Can't say)

1) True

2) True

3) Can't Say

4) False


25⟩ A weed killer to kill the weeds has been developed. the weed killer solution has to be applied to the growing tips. it need not to be applied to all the tips. the solution has to be prepared in a can in one hand and the plants are taken in the other hand with a glove and are immersed in the solution if we cannot immerse them in the solution the solution can be applied to the roots with a brush. it used without care it can pose danger to other plants?

the solutions has to applied to growing leaves (True/False/Can't say)

to use the weed killer first take the plants in the can as then pour the solution into it.(True/False/Can't say)

it is sufficient to apply it only to some roots (True/False/Can't say)

it effects to the other plants. (True/False/Can't say)

1> False: comment : It is applied to the roots of the plants.Line no 3:if we cannot immerse them in the solution the solution can be applied to the roots with a brush.

2>False Because solution is is applied to roots only not to leaves, otherwise it will damage to plant..

3>False It will effect to other plants only when it is not handled properl.


26⟩ Anyone whose has systematically examined faces will have perceived a preponderance although not a proliferation of asymmetry. whether or not the expression is volitional and self controlled or spontaneous appears to predict facial asymmetry as does the type of emotion protrayed. positive emotions are usually displayed symmetrically although a left sided representation of a negative emotion is more common. posed expressions and negative emotions are less likely to be symmetrically represented?

an angry person is more likely to have a lopsided expression than someone who is smiling (True/False/Can't say)

a deliberately assumed facial expression will always be asymmetrical (True/False/Can't say)

an actor is likely to smile symmetrically when acting more self consciously (True/False/Can't say)

people are likely to have less asymmetric facial expressions than those who are less aware of themselves (True/False/Can't say)

an angry person is more likely to have a lopsided expression than someone who is smiling (True)

a deliberately assumed facial expression will always be asymmetrical (True)

an actor is likely to smile symmetrically when acting more self consciously (False: cos deliberate expressions tend to be assymetrical)

people are likely to have less asymmetric facial expressions than those who are less aware of themselves (Can't say)


27⟩ Disease x succeeds lung disease. it may also occur healthy persons the person looks healthier from outside. the number of red blood cells in the blood increased and this leads to thickness of the blood as a result of which blood lacks inside the vessels .the person suffers heart attack. one possible solution is to remove a liter of blood or to control the growth of red blood cells?

lung disease precedes the disease x (True/False/Can't say)

a person who gets heart attack always has disease x (True/False/Can't say)

people suffering from disease x look healthier (True/False/Can't say)

one liter of blood must be removed to cure this (True/False/Can't say)

1>lung disease precedes the disease : False(X succedes(cause) Lung disease)

2> a person who gets heart attack always has disease x :Can't say.

3>people suffering from disease x look healthier : Trueone liter of blood must be removed to cure this : False( we can control growth of red blood by other way)


28⟩ Senior managers in a leading company said that new Japanese investment in India was transforming the car industry and warned that jobs were under threat from Japanese competition. they stated that increasing competition would be coupled with an in evitable downturn in the car market and the recent rise in interest rates which had already hit demand?

some senior managers said that more people will want to buy new cars in the future. (True/False/Can't say)

managers told workers that Japanese workers are taking jobs away from Indian workers in the car industry. (True/False/Can't say)

the managers issued their warning after a rise in interest rates. (True/False/Can't say)

the increased rate of the interest will mean that Japanese firms will cease to operate in this country. (True/False/Can't say)




Can't say