3D Graphics

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“3D Graphics related Frequently Asked Questions by expert members with professional career as 3D Graphics. These list of interview questions and answers will help you strengthen your technical skills, prepare for the new job interview and quickly revise your concepts”

70 3D Graphics Questions And Answers

62⟩ What Is Scaling In Computer Graphics?

In computer graphic, image scaling is the process of resizing a digital image. scaling is a non-trivial process that involves a trade off between efficiency, smoothness and sharpness. With bitmap graphics, as the size of an image is reduced or enlarged, the pixels which comprise the image become increasingly visible, making the image appear “soft” if pixels are averaged, or jagged if not.


63⟩ What Is Shearing?

The shearing transformation actually slants the object along the X direction or the Y direction as required. ie; this transformation slants the shape of an object along a required plane.


64⟩ What Do You Mean By Emissive And Non-emissive Displays?

The emissive display converts electrical energy into light energy. The plasma panels, thin film electro-luminescent displays are the examples. The Non-emissive are optical effects to convert the sunlight or light from any other source to graphic form. Liquid crystal display is an example.


65⟩ Tell me what are the characteristics of Unity3D?

Characteristics of Unity is

☛ It is a multi-platform game engine with features like ( 3D objects, physics, animation, scripting, lighting etc.)

☛ Accompanying script editor

☛ MonoDevelop (win/mac)

☛ It can also use Visual Studio (Windows)

☛ 3D terrain editor

☛ 3D object animation manager

☛ GUI System

☛ Many platforms executable exporter Web player/ Android/Native application/Wii

☛ In Unity 3D, you can assemble art and assets into scenes and environments like adding special effects, physics and animation, lighting, etc.


66⟩ Tell me what Is Persistence?

The time it takes the emitted light from the screen to decay one tenth of its original intensity is called as persistence.


67⟩ Define Random And Raster Scan Displays?

Random scan is a method in which display is made by electronic beam, which is directed only to the points or parts of the screen where picture is to be drawn.

The Raster scan system is a scanning technique in which the electron sweep from top to bottom and from left to right. The intensity is turned on or off to light and un-light the pixel.


68⟩ What they’re really asking is “How long do you plan to stay with our company?”

You’re probably aware that hiring and training new employees is where companies spend the bulk of their money. Therefore, they try to reduce the number of times they have to do it. Convince your prospective employer that you’re there for the duration and you’ll be ahead of the game.

Explain how this position fits into your long-term career goals and that you’re not just settling for this job until something better comes along. Explain what you find challenging about the role as well as where you believe your experience can be an asset.


69⟩ What Is Reflection?

The reflection is actually the transformation that produces a mirror image of an object. For this use some angles and lines of reflection.


70⟩ What Is Transformation?

Transformation is the process of introducing changes in the shape size and orientation of the object using scaling rotation reflection shearing & translation etc.