Assistant Design Engineer

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“Assistant Design Engineer Frequently Asked Questions in various Assistant Design Engineer job interviews by interviewer. The set of questions are here to ensures that you offer a perfect answer posed to you. So get preparation for your new job interview”

66 Assistant Design Engineer Questions And Answers

21⟩ Explain me what changes to do anticipate for the design industry in the next five years?

The thing to remember when you’re answering this question is that there’s no right or wrong answer. The employer is looking for your insight into the industry – and they’re really trying to determine how much you know – and whether you have enough knowledge to try and forecast trends. As I said, with this one, there’s no one ‘correct’ answer – so the best way to really answer this one is to again be honest.

Think about what has happened in the design industry over the last few years ( Ways of design technique has been changed, great designs according to the request of the client can be made in less number of time ) – and think realistically about what might happen in the next few years. Whatever answer you give, make sure you can justify your answer.


22⟩ Tell us what are the different types of brakes and explain them briefly?

Brakes can be classified on the basis of their medium used to brake, they are as follows:

☛ > Hydraulic Brakes: These brakes as their name suggest use a fluid medium to push or repel the brake pads for braking.

☛ > Electric Brakes: These brakes use electrical energy to deplete or create a braking force.

☛ Both the above types of breaks are used primarily for applications where a large amount of energy is to be transformed.

☛ > Mechanical Brakes: They can be further classified on the basis of the direction of their acting force: Radial Brakes: As their names suggests the force that acts on the brakes is of radial direction. They can further be classified into internal and external blades. Axial Brakes: In these types of brakes the braking force is acting in an axial direction as compared to radial brakes.


23⟩ Tell me what are the modes of fracture?

The different the modes of fractures are:

☛ Mode I (Opening mode) – Displacement is normal to crack surface.

☛ Mode II (Sliding mode) – Displacement is in the plane of the plate.

☛ Mode III (Tearing mode) – Out of plane shear.


24⟩ Please explain the torsion equation?

The torsional equation is, T/J = q/r = GӨ/L


T – Torsional moment (T is in N-mm)

J - Polar moment of inertia (J is in mm⁴)

q – Shear stress in the element (q is in N/mm²)

r - Distance of element from centre of shaft (r is in mm)

G- Modulus of Rigidity (G is in N/mm²)

Ө – Angle of twist (Ө is in radians)

L – Length of the shaft (L is in mm)


25⟩ Tell me what is an S-N Curve?

An S- N curve has fatigue stress on ‘Y’ axis and number of loading cycles in ‘X’ axis. It is used to find the fatigue stress value corresponding to a given number of cycles.


26⟩ What is Factor of safety?

The ratio between maximum stresses to working stress is known as factor of safety.

Factor of safety = Maximum stress /Working stress


27⟩ Tell me what are the rules that must be kept in mind while designing castings?

Some of the points that must be kept in mind during the process of cast designing are as follows:

☛ > To avoid the concentration of stresses sharp corners and frequent use of fillets should be avoided.

☛ > Section thicknesses should be uniform as much as possible. For variations it must be done gradually.

☛ > Abrupt changes in the thickness should be avoided at all costs.

☛ > Simplicity is the key, the casting should be designed as simple as possible.

☛ > It is difficult to create true large spaces and henceforth large flat surfaces must be avoided.

☛ > Webs and ribs used for stiffening in castings should as minimal as possible.

☛ > Curved shapes can be used in order to improve the stress handling of the cast.


28⟩ Tell me what are the methods of extinguishing fire?

☛ 1) Starvation. Separating or removing the burning material from the neighbour hood of the fire.

☛ 2) Blanketing. Preventing the air flow to the fire.

☛ 3) Cooling. Lowering the heat created by burning materials.


29⟩ Tell me how important do you think the new era of designing would help the clients to meet their expectation?

With this question, the interviewer is really looking to gauge your opinion and fitment for their company. By this, I mean they’re keen to find out you would take the task to meet their clients requirement.

It’s best to answer that, the skills which you have got and learning experience you would be getting by joining this company would definitely help you out to meet the challenges and the deadlines. Help from the colleagues and the seniors will help you to give the best productive work possible, which would meet the quality and the numbers.


34⟩ Explain me what are the different types of fits?

On the basis of Indian standards fits can mainly be categorized into three groups:

> Clearance Fit: These types of fits are characterized by the occurrence of a clearance between the two mating parts. The difference between the minimum size of the hole and the maximum size of the shaft is called the minimum clearance, the difference between the maximum size of the hole and the minimum size of the shaft is known as maximum clearance.

> Interference Fit: In these types of fits the size of the mating parts are predefined so that interference between them always occurs. The tolerance zone of the hole is completely below the tolerance zone of the shaft.

> Transition Fit: As the name suggests these type of fit has its mating parts sized limited to allow either clearance or interference. The tolerance zone of the hole and the shaft overlaps in case of such fits.

For a shaft designated as 40 H8/f7, calculate the tolerances.

Given: Shaft designation = 40 H8/f7

The shaft designation 40 H8/f 7 means that the basic size is 40 mm and the tolerance grade for

the hole is 8 ( i. e. I T 8) and for the shaft is 7 ( i. e. I T 7).

Since 40 mm lies in the diameter steps of 30 to 50 mm, therefore the geometric mean diameter,

D = Square root of (30 x 50) = 38.73 mm

We know that standard tolerance unit,

i = 0.45 x Cube root of (D) + 0.001 D

i = 0.45 × 3.38 + 0.03873 = 1.559 73 or 1.56 microns

i = 1.56 × 0.001 = 0.001 56 mm ...(1 micron = 0.001 mm)

The standard tolerance for the hole of grade 8 (IT8)

= 25 i = 25 × 0.001 56 = 0.039 mm

The standard tolerance for the shaft of grade 7 (IT7)

= 16 i = 16 × 0.001 56 = 0.025 mm


35⟩ Explain me briefly the different cold drawing processes?

Some of the important cold drawing processes are as follows:

☛ > Bar and Rod Drawing: In the case of bar drawing the hot drawn bars are at first pickled, washed and coated to prevent oxidation. Once this is done a draw bench is used for the process of cold drawing. In order to make an end possible to enter a drawing die the diameter of the rod is reduced by the swaging operation. This end is fastened by chains to the draw bench and the end is gripped by the jaws of the carriage. In this method a high surface finish and accuracy dimensionally is obtained. The products of this process can be used directly without any further machining.

☛ > Wire Drawing: Similar to the above process the bars are first pickled, washed and coated to prevent any oxidation. After this the rods are passed through several dies of decreasing diameter to provide a desired reduction in the size ( diameter ). The dies used for the reduction process is generally made up of carbide materials.

☛ >Tube Drawing: This type of drawing is very similar to the bar drawing process and in majority of cases it is accomplished by the use of a draw bench.


36⟩ Tell me during the design of a friction clutch what are the considerations that should be made?

In order to design a friction clutch the following points must be kept in mind:

☛ > The material for the contact surfaces must be carefully selected.

☛ > For high speed devices to minimize the inertia load of the clutch, low weight moving parts must be selected.

☛ > The contact of the friction surfaces must be maintained at all the times without the application of any external forces.

☛ > Provisions for the facilitation of repairs must be there.

☛ > In order to increase safety the projecting parts of a clutch must be covered.

☛ > A provision to take up the wearing of the contact surfaces must be present.

☛ > Heat dissipaters to take away the heat from the point of contacting surfaces must be there.


37⟩ Explain me what are the points that should be kept in mind during forging design?

Some of the points that should be followed while forging design are:

☛ > A radial flow of grains or fibers must be achieved in the forged components.

☛ > The forged items such as drop and press forgings should have a parting line that should divide the forging into two equal halves.

☛ > The ribs in a forging should not be high or thin.

☛ > In order to avoid increased die wear the pockets and recesses in forgings should be minimum.

☛ > In forgings the parting line of it should lie as far as possible in a single plane.

☛ > For ease of forging and easy removal of forgings the surfaces of the metal should contain sufficient drafts.


38⟩ Tell me which designing tools do you use- and how effective do you think they are?

This question should be a relatively simple one to answer because it all comes back to your previous experience. With this one, the interviewer is interested in your history with designing tools and what your personal opinions are regarding these tools so you’ve really got nothing to lose by just being honest. With this one, they’re also looking to see if you use any tools which they use – and how you find them/how familiar you are with them.

Again, with this one, it’s all going to come down to personal experience but some designing tools which you might like to mention if you’ve had experience with them- mechanical / civil design using AutoCAD for 3D design.


39⟩ What is size factor in endurance strength?

Size factor is used to consider the effect of the size on endurance strength. A large size object will have more defects compared to a small one. So, endurance strength is reduced. If K is the size factor, then

Actual endurance strength = Theoretical endurance limit x K