Assistant Design Engineer

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“Assistant Design Engineer Frequently Asked Questions in various Assistant Design Engineer job interviews by interviewer. The set of questions are here to ensures that you offer a perfect answer posed to you. So get preparation for your new job interview”

66 Assistant Design Engineer Questions And Answers

42⟩ Explain me what is heat treatment and why is it done?

Heat treatment can be defined as a combination of processes or operations in which the heating and cooling of a metal or alloy is done in order to obtain desirable characteristics without changing the compositions. Some of the motives or purpose of heat treatment are as follows:

☛ > In order to improve the hardness of metals.

☛ > For the softening of the metal.

☛ > In order to improve the machinability of the metal.

☛ > To change the grain size.

☛ > To provide better resistance to heat, corrosion, wear etc.

Heat treatment is generally performed in the following ways:

☛ > Normalizing

☛ > Annealing

☛ > Spheroidising

☛ > Hardening

☛ > Tempering

☛ > Surface or case hardening


44⟩ What is endurance limit?

Endurance limit is the maximum value of completely reversed stress that the standard specimen can sustain an infinite number (106) of cycles without failure.


46⟩ What is machinability?

It is the property of the material, which refers to a relative ease with which a material can be cut. It is measured in a number of ways such as comparing the tool life for cutting different material


50⟩ Explain me what is impact load?

If the time of load application is less than one third of the lowest natural period of vibration of the part, it is called an impact load.


51⟩ Tell us briefly the following lines used in Engineering drawing?

☛ (a)Dimension Lines

☛ (b)Extension Lines

☛ (c)Leaders

Dimension lines are the thin lines used to indicate extents and direction of dimension. These are terminated with arrowheads.

Extension lines are also thin lines and it used to indicate the termination of a dimension.

Leaders are used to direct notes or identification symbols to feature on the drawing.


56⟩ Tell me what are the precautions to be taken to avoid fire?

☛ 1) The buckets along with sand should be placed inside the workshop.

☛ 2) Switches and other electrical parts must be made of fireproof material.

☛ 3) Carbon dioxide gas should be place at required points in special containers.

☛ 4) Fire extinguishers of suitable type should be placed at accessible places.


59⟩ Tell me what is a Drawing?

It is a graphical representation of a real thing to define and specify the shape and size of a particular object by means of lines.