Web Designer

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“Web Designer Frequently Asked Questions in various Web Designing job Interviews by interviewer. The set of questions here ensures that you offer a perfect answer posed to you. So get preparation for your new job hunting”

59 Web Designer Questions And Answers

43⟩ When serving XHTML pages what are the limitations?

Perhaps the biggest issue is the poor browser support XHTML currently enjoys. Internet Explorer and a number of other user agents cannot parse XHTML as XML. Thus, it is not the extensible language it was promised to be. There are many other issues.


46⟩ Define Semantic HTML?

Semantic HTML is a coding style where the tags embody what the text is meant to convey. In Semantic HTML, tags like <b></b> for bold, and <i></i> for italic should not be used, reason being they just represent formatting, and provide no indication of meaning or structure. The semantically correct thing to do is use <strong></strong> and <em></em>. These tags will have the same bold and italic effects, while demonstrating meaning and structure (emphasis in this case).


47⟩ What is DOCTYPE?

The term DOCTYPE tells the browser which type of HTML is used on a webpage. In turn, the browsers use DOCTYPE to determine how to render a page. Failing to use DOCTYPE or using a wrong DOCTYPE may load your page in Quirks Mode. See example:

<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/loose.dtd">.


50⟩ How to optimize a website's assets?

There are a number of answers to this question: File concatenation, file compression, CDN Hosting, offloading assets, re-organizing and refining code, etc. Have a few ready.


51⟩ Define your preferred development environment?

This is your chance to talk shop and demonstrate some industry knowledge. Be prepared to talk about your favorite editor, browser, plug-ins, operating system, and other tools. Freshen up on your lingo.


52⟩ Do you have any personal projects you are working on? What is the coolest thing that you ever coded?

Interchangeable questions. Any developer worth his weight had to practice somewhere or on something before they landed their first gig. If not, how did you get this interview anyway! Review your past experiences, and even if they were boring to you, figure out a new frame of reference that demonstrates passion and a zest for learning.


53⟩ How to reduce page load time?

Reduce image sizes, remove unnecessary widgets, HTTP compression, put CSS at the top and script references at the bottom or in external files, reduce look-ups, minimize redirects, caching, etc.


54⟩ DEFINE selectors in CSS?

Selectors help to select an element to which you want to apply a style. For example below is a simple style called as 'intro" which applies red color to background of a HTML element.









55⟩ How page structure of HTML 5 is different from HTML 4 or previous HTML?

A typical web page has headers, footers, navigation, central area and side bars. Now if we want to represent the same in HTML 4 with proper names to the HTML section we would probably use a DIV tag.

But in HTML 5 they have made it more clear by creating element names for those sections which makes your HTML more readable.

More details:

★ <header>: Represents header data of HTML.

★ <footer>: Footer section of the page.

★ <nav>: Navigation elements in the page.

★ <article>: Self-contained content.

★ <section>: Used inside article to define sections or group content in to sections.

★ <aside>: Represent side bar contents of a page.


56⟩ How to use column layout in CSS?

CSS column layout helps you to divide your text in to columns. For example consider the below magazine news which is one big text but we need to divide the same in to 3 columns with a border in between. That's where HTML 5 column layout comes to help.


57⟩ Described datalist in HTML 5?

Datalist element in HTML 5 helps to provide autocomplete feature in a textbox.

HTML code for DataList feature:

<input list="Country">

<datalist id="Country">

<option value="India">

<option value="Italy">

<option value="Iran">

<option value="Israel">

<option value="Indonesia">



59⟩ Define SVG?

SVG stands for scalable vector graphics. It's a text based graphic language which draws images using text, lines, dots etc. This makes it lightweight and renders faster.