Web Designer

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“Web Designer Frequently Asked Questions in various Web Designing job Interviews by interviewer. The set of questions here ensures that you offer a perfect answer posed to you. So get preparation for your new job hunting”

59 Web Designer Questions And Answers

21⟩ What is "WYSIWYG" editor?

WYSIWYG stands for "What You See Is What You Get", so if you are using a WYSIWYG editor to design and create your web page, you have a pretty good idea of how the page will look in a web browser. Think of Microsoft Word when you change a font, you see the font change immediately in the MS Word document. The same is true in a WYSIWYG Editor, in that you see changes immediately within the editor itself, as opposed to having to save the page and then separately load and view it in a web browser.


22⟩ What is more important SEO or Web design?

Web Design and SEO (Search Engine Optimization) are not mutually exclusive. The best webmasters are familiar with Search Engine Optimization techniques, as well as Website and Graphical Design. It is difficult to have a successful website if you neglect either SEO or Design. The two are intricately woven, and really must coexist to achieve website success.


24⟩ What is Dreamweaver template?

Dreamweaver templates allow webmasters to define "editable" and "non-editable" regions of a webpage. The "non-editable" regions can only be edited in the Dreamweaver Template. Any changes made to the Dreamweaver Template update any HTML pages that use the template.


26⟩ Define Web workers?

Web Workers are background scripts that do not interfere with the user interface or user interactions on a webpage, allowing HTML to render uninterrupted while JavaScript works in the background.


29⟩ For what data- attributes are good?

The HTML5 data- attribute is a new addition that assigns custom data to an element. It was built to store sensitive or private data that is exclusive to a page or application, for which there are no other matching attributes or elements.


31⟩ What are new HTML5 media-related elements?

HTML5 has strong support for media. There are now special <audio> and <video> tags. There are additional A/V support tags as well: <embed> is a container for 3rd party applications. <track> is for adding text tracks to media. <source> is useful for A/V media from multiple sources.


32⟩ What are the HTML5 image elements?

Canvas and WebGL. <Canvas> is a new element that acts as a container for graphical elements like images and graphics. Coupled with JavaScript, it supports 2D graphics. WebGL stands for Web Graphics Language, a free cross-platform API that is used for generating 3D graphics in web browsers.


34⟩ List some new HTML5 markup elements?

There are several:

<article>, <aside>, <bdi>,

<command>, <details>, <figure>,

<figcaption>, <summary>, <header>,

<footer>, <hgroup>, <mark>,

<meter>, <nav>, <progress>,

<ruby>, <rt>, <section>,

<time>, and <wpr>.


35⟩ Define new DOCTYPE?

Instead of typing out a ridiculously long DOCTYPE statement to tell the browser how to render your webpage, this long line of code has been truncated to <!doctype html>.


36⟩ Can you please explain the real difference between HTML and HTML5?

A lot of. From a broader perspective, HTML was a simple language for laying out text and images on a webpage, whereas HTML5 can be viewed as an application development platform that does what HTML does that and more, including better support for audio, video, and interactive graphics. It has a number of new elements, supports offline data storage for applications, and has more robust exchange protocols. Thus, proprietary plug-in technologies like Adobe Flash, Microsoft Silver-light, Apache Pivot, and Sun JavaFX are no longer needed, because browsers can now process these elements without additional requirements.


39⟩ Can you please explain the difference between linking to an image, a website, and an email address?

To link an image, use <img> tags. You need specify the image in quotes using the source attribute, src in the opening tag. For hyperlinking, the anchor tag, <a>, is used and the link is specified in the href attribute. Text to be hyperlinked should be placed between the anchor tags. Little known fact: href stands for "hypertext reference." When linking to an email, the href specification will be "mailto:sendmemail@here.com."


<img src="HTMLrocks.jpg"></img>

<a href="skillprelaunch2.rendc.org">globalguideline</a>

<a href="brad@rendc.org">Email Me</a>


40⟩ Can you please explain the difference between <div> and <frame>?

A <div> is a generic container element for grouping and styling, whereas a <frame> creates divisions within a web page and should be used within the <frameset> tag. The use of <frame> and <frameset> are no longer popular and are now being replaced with the more flexible <iframe>, which has become popular for embedding foreign elements (ie. Youtube videos) into a page.