1⟩ Which of the following commands will NOT place some form of text within the drawing
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(a) @361,270
(b) 60<90
(c) 361,270
(d) None of the above
(a) Center
(b) Align
(c) TR
(d) Fit
(a) place text directly in the drawing as defined
(b) speed up drawing regeneration by replacing text with rectangles
(c) use simplified text font to replace complex text font
(d) allow automatic line spacing of textual input
(a) The pair of co-ordinate points which define the lower left and upper
right corners of the drawing boundary
(b) A series of co-ordinate points stored as variables for later use in the
(c) A co-ordinate system whose origin is located anywhere in three
dimensional space
(d) The master datum from which all measurements are taken.
(a) 1:1
(b) 1:2
(c) 1:10
(d) 1:5
(a) Either F7 or CONTROL and G
(b) Either F6 or CONTROL and D
(c) Either F9 or CONTROL and B
(d) Either F8 or CONTROL and O
(a) Either F7 or CONTROL and G
(b) Either F6 or CONTROL and D
(c) Either F9 or CONTROL and B
(d) Either F8 or CONTROL and O
(a) Backup copies of drawing files are saved in the "Support" folder.
(b) Backup copies of drawing files are saved in a folder set by the user.
(c) When a drawing is initially saved a backup copy is made with a .BAK
extension. This can be renamed as a .DWG at a later date.
(d) When a drawing is saved for the second time a backup copy is made with
a .BAK extension. This can be renamed as a .DWG at a later date.
(a) CONTROL and T or F4
(b) CONTROL and E or F5
(c) CONTROL and D or F6
(d) CONTROL and I or F7
(a) 256
(b) 1000
(c) all the command issued since the drawing was first created
(d) all commands issued since the drawing was last loaded into
the drawing editor
(a) AXIS
(b) GRID
(d) SNAP
(a) Ctrl + S
(b) Crtl + X
(c) Ctrl + V
(d) Ctrl + C
(a) AXIS
(b) GRID
(d) UCS
(a) the drawing which is currently being edited by AutoCAD
(b) a drawing used to store a library of standard symbols
(c) a means of setting the initial drawing environment for new drawings
(d) a file which holds details of the display, digitiser, and plotters that AutoCAD is currently configured for
(a) 1:1
(b) 1:2
(c) 1:5
(d) 1:10
(a) 1:1
(b) 1:10
(c) 1:100
(d) 1:1000
(a) 0,0/20000,15000
(b) 0,0/20,15 metres
(c) -2000,-2000/20000,15000
(d) -2000,-2000/15000,8000
(b) FONT
(c) SET