⟩ Can the manager should take interest in his employee?
Don't make every interaction with your workers strictly business. Ask after their well-being, chat with them about yourself, and establish a personal connection.
Don't make every interaction with your workers strictly business. Ask after their well-being, chat with them about yourself, and establish a personal connection.
Why the manager should keep door open?
How manager can take interest in his employee?
Why the manager should assign tasks that will stretch the employees?
Can the manager take interest in his employee personal matters?
Does manager should listen his employee or not?
What kind of feed-backs can the manager give, positive or negative?
How you can put idea-sharing into a stranglehold?
Described about a technique when you're not exactly sure what the other person is saying?
What are the main effects of positive and negative feedbacks?
How you can clarify what you're hearing?