⟩ How to calculate signal to noise ratio by this formula 2H/h where h from where and how to measure?
The H is the height of the main peak and the h is the lowest
height of a peak in the range of X5 the main peak (around
the amin peak)
The H is the height of the main peak and the h is the lowest
height of a peak in the range of X5 the main peak (around
the amin peak)
Tell me why did you become a winemaker?
Tell me does one year or one vintage come to mind when you think about one of the best Pinot Noirs that you've made?
Tell me is an enologist the same thing as a sommelier?
Tell us what do you like best about your job?
Tell me at what point in the winemaking process do you decide on what you’re aiming at regarding style?
Tell me at what point does imagination come into play?
Tell me what is the difference between viniculture and viticulture?
Tell me how do you grow grapes for wine?
Explain me about the harvest process?
Tell me do you think of wine as expressing something? If so, what?