⟩ Non-Supervisory Skills Based Humanitarian Affairs Officer Interview Questions
► Tell me about the 2 or 3 biggest problems you have encountered in your work, and how you handled them.
► What would you say are your 3 major strengths? How will these strengths help you in this position?
► What would you say are your principal weaknesses or shortcomings? How might these interfere with your success in this position? How might you overcome them?
► What was the most creative or original contribution you made to your last organization?
► Could you describe a few situations in which your work was criticized? How did you handle that?
► What skills or abilities do you possess which have not yet been used in your career?
► How skillful are you at [insert major function to be performed]? Describe a situation where you needed that skill.
► How skillful are you at [insert major function to be performed]? Where have you used that skill in the past?
► If you had to choose between satisfying a [client/customer/member] and following policy, which would you choose?
► Tell me how you would expect to spend your time in a typical day in this position?