
Question and Answer:

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⟩ Managerial and Supervisory Working Climate Based Humanitarian Affairs Officer Interview Questions

► Why are you interested in joining our organization?

► Why are you looking for a new position right now?

► Describe your [last/current] boss. How did you get along with her/him?

► What makes you angry or frustrated?

► What makes you feel happy or satisfied?

► Describe the person you would like to report to.

► Have you ever been fired? Tell me about it.

► When you call an employee into your office, what do they expect is going to happen?

► On the Friday before a long holiday weekend, if you had to choose between working overtime yourself, or having a subordinate work overtime, which would you choose?

► If you had to choose between solving a problem for a key customer, or solving a problem for a key employee, which would you choose?

► If your planned annual vacation conflicted with a major problem arising at work, what would you do?

► How many hours per week, on average, do you put in on the job? Is that about right?

► Describe you management style.

► What kind of people do you like to work with?

► Why did you close down your business?

► If we called your [last/current] employer, what would they tell us about you?

► If we talked to your previous/current subordinates, what would they tell us about you?

► Does your present boss know you're looking? How did she become aware of that?

► For each of your previous jobs, please tell me the reason for leaving.

► How long do you think you would stay with us?

► Do you have any weaknesses on or off the job that I should know about?

► How would you describe your use of alcohol?

► How would your [last/current] boss describe you?

► How would your best friend describe you?

► Describe your personality for me.

► How many hours per week, on average, would you expect to put in on the job?

► Have you ever been affected by organization politics? Tell me about it.

► Describe your method of working.

► What kind of people do you like to work with?

► Why is it taking so long for you to find a new job?

► In your last organization, were you satisfied with your rate of advancement? To what do you attribute your rate of progress?

► There seem to be some gaps in your resume. Would you explain those for me?

► What do you know about our organization?

► What appeals to you about us?

► What concerns do you have about joining us?

► What salary were you receiving in your last position?

► What do you expect to be earning in 3 years?

► Who could we check with for references?


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