
Question and Answer:

  Home  Emotional Intelligence

⟩ Perceiving & Using Emotions Interview Questions

► Are you good at reading people?

► Are you charismatic? Can you give me an example?

► Can you tell me about a time you made a gut decision?

► How do you socially engage people who seem shy or distant?

► Why is eye contact important?

► Why is humor important?

► Can you tell me about a time you used humor to achieve a business result?

► Can you tell me about a time you had difficulty collaborating with someone?

► What is the key to motivating your team?

► You have an important meeting with your boss. You need to sell him/her an important idea. However, he/she seems to be in a bad mood. How do you handle situation?

► How do you recover from a bad first impression?

► How do you help a coworker who seems stressed out?

► Can you tell me about a time you facilitated the resolution of a conflict?

► Why is body language important?

► Can you give me an example of how body language can be used to communicate when you're giving a speech or presentation?

► Why do people resist change? Are you open to change?

► What's the most difficult professional criticism you've received? How did you handle it?

► How do you soften criticism?

► Can you tell me about the last time you criticized someone at work?

► Do people trust you? Why / why not?

► What techniques have you used to establish trust?

► What was the last time you inspired someone? How did you do it?

► Do most people like you? Why / why not?

► Is it possible to please everyone all the time? Why / why not?

► What steps do you take to build rapport with your coworkers?

► Do you have a strong sense of curiosity? If so, can you give me an example?

► How long can you focus on a task?

► Can you give me an example of a time you focused to achieve a result?

► Do you spend a lot of time thinking about work?

► How do you come up with creative ideas?

► Are you optimistic in your work? Can you give me an example?

► What's the difference between optimism and wishful thinking?

► Can you tell me about a time you collaborated with a difficult person?

► Are you assertive? If so, can you give me an example?

► Do you have an open mind? If so, can you give me an example?


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