⟩ Tell me what do you find most interesting about working in a help desk capacity?
I believe that working in this capacity is interesting all over. No one day is like another, and one gets to learn so much each day. It is a truly fascinating job.
I believe that working in this capacity is interesting all over. No one day is like another, and one gets to learn so much each day. It is a truly fascinating job.
What experience do you have assisting teachers in the classroom?
What would you do if a child complained they were bored?
How would you support this school's program of extra-curricular provision?
What is your philosophy about discipline?
What are your duties as a learning support assistant?
What is a primary caregiver to a child?
Tell us where do you see yourself ten years from now as Maintenance Engineer?
Do you know what are the methods of extinguishing fire?
Explain me an experience with a difficult client. How did you handle the situation?
Explain what would you consider to be your greatest success in using your skills to solve an engineering problem?