Help Desk Specialist

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“Help Desk Specialist Frequently Asked Questions in various Help Desk Specialist job interviews by interviewer. The set of questions are here to ensures that you offer a perfect answer posed to you. So get preparation for your new job interview”

73 Help Desk Specialist Questions And Answers

3⟩ Explain me what made you decide that you wanted to work in a help desk capacity?

I have always found the challenges associated with help desks to be the driving force behind my work prowess. Working in a help desk capacity means that I can work in an information technology capacity, while not getting too involved in the technicalities of the work, and indulge in problem-solving and troubleshooting work, which I enjoy immensely!


6⟩ Tell me does this company need a help desk?

Don’t just settle for “yes, of course!” – Ask why. Top help desk staff realize that the help desk ensures that company resources are available when customers and employees need them.


7⟩ Explain me how good are you at solving problem on phone?

Solving problem face to face is different than handling them on phone. To convince your interviewer that you have an ability to solve the problem you can put an example of any previous incident where you have solved the customer problem on phone easily.


9⟩ Can you explain me what is good customer service?

This oft-dreaded question actually isn’t that difficult to answer, despite how open-ended it leaves itself. If you’re pursuing a job in customer service, you need to know how to answer this with confidence and sincerity, even if customer service isn’t a career you love fundamentally and want to stick with for the rest of your life.

If it helps, think back on the last time you experienced amazing customer service. What did the person do that stood out to you? Now, channel that positive experience into a general principle. What do you hope to achieve with this job? Do you aspire to be as genuinely helpful and polite as the good customer service people you’ve dealt with in the past?


12⟩ Explain how you face the criticism?

Answer to this question will judge your level of patience, they want to check how positively you can take your criticism and how you deal with them without losing your temper.


19⟩ What is ITIL?

ITIL stands for Information Technology Infrastructure Library. It is basically a predefined set of practices for IT service management (ITSM) that focuses on aligning IT services with the needs of business.