Help Desk Specialist

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“Help Desk Specialist Frequently Asked Questions in various Help Desk Specialist job interviews by interviewer. The set of questions are here to ensures that you offer a perfect answer posed to you. So get preparation for your new job interview”

73 Help Desk Specialist Questions And Answers

22⟩ Tell me what is one of your weaknesses?

This specific question, and questions like it, are highly personalized and designed to catch you off guard. It’s important to self-assess and be critical of your own flaws, and potential employers want to know that you can do both of these things, and learn from them. While no guide can’t answer this question for you, since everybody is different, it is good to know why this question is asked. If you aren’t somebody who is capable of analyzing their weaknesses, then you obviously aren’t capable of learning from mistakes. That’s what this question is really about.


23⟩ Suppose I would like to set up a second interview with our evening supervisor. Can you come back this evening at 700?

Once again, this is not about the evening supervisor. The answer should help you judge how flexible the candidate is and how well he or she handles less-than-ideal situations. Obviously, you should only ask this question if you are giving second interviews and you have someone available at 7:00.


25⟩ Tell me what skills do you possess that make you a good contender to be considered for a help desk specialist position?

I possess in-depth working experience of Windows products, including application installation, Active Directory and organization units. In addition to this, I have deep knowledge of data backup systems, principles and safeguards, and can handle antivirus systems and security settings with great expertise. As far as non-technical skills are concerned, I am a customer service-oriented individual with exceptional telephone mannerisms, and excellent communication skills.


28⟩ Suppose if there is a customer who does not understand your language then how will you help him/her?

I personally think that to help someone, language should not be barrier. Anyhow if you cannot help him out then the best thing would be to make him understand with the sign language (obviously when seeing the customer physically). Over a call, you can use google translate or similar tools to communicate with customer.


30⟩ Since this is an extremely technical work and some customers may have trouble understanding what you are trying to tell them, how do you make sure that you are able to communicate what you want to say to the customer?

It is true that many customers have trouble understanding what we at the helpdesk are trying to tell them especially through technical walkthroughs. Since we are not supposed to spend too much time on a call, should a situation like this arise, I usually take the customer’s email address and tell him I will write the walkthrough for him and email it so he can follow the steps. This way he can read and re-read the instructions and understand and follow them at his own pace.


38⟩ Tell me how well-versed are you with troubleshooting hardware problems? How does this knowledge help you in your work at the help desk?

Since I am A+ certified professional and also possess MCSE, I am quite familiar with hardware issues. From common hardware issues like a keyboard malfunctioning to more complex TCP/IP settings, I have skills in managing it all. Since I have working knowledge of networks and stand-alone personal computers, it is not too difficult to walk customers through troubleshooting procedures


39⟩ Please explain about your current job. What do you like about it? What do you dislike?

This is another good question for weeding out those applicants who just won’t want to deliver. While “heads down” programmers are great, the help desk needs analysts who enjoy talking to users. Avoid candidates whose favorites have more to do with the systems than the users. Good answers indicate that the applicant enjoys talking with users or investigating tough problems.