Help Desk Specialist

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“Help Desk Specialist Frequently Asked Questions in various Help Desk Specialist job interviews by interviewer. The set of questions are here to ensures that you offer a perfect answer posed to you. So get preparation for your new job interview”

73 Help Desk Specialist Questions And Answers

61⟩ Tell me how do you handle an angry customer?

If you’re working at a help desk, chances are you’re going to be dealing with people who need help. If people need help, chances are they’re confused, frustrated, upset, angry, or a little bit of everything, and you are the one they’re reaching out to in order to calm their woes. It’s important not to take personal offense to a customer’s frustrations – unless, of course, they insult you personally, but most of the time your employer will still expect you to handle this with grace and professionalism. (Usually, this means transferring the elevated customer to a manager – being subjected to verbal abuse and harassment is not in your job description, so make sure to have this discussion with your higher-ups and know what to do in these scenarios.)


63⟩ Tell us what kind of people are your current users? Do you like them?

This sounds like a dumb question. Who’s going to say they hate their current users because they’re terrible people? Actually, I’ve known that to happen. The applicant had little patience for needy users and didn’t mind telling people. Patience is a virtue desperately needed on a help desk.


69⟩ Tell us how do you handle irate customers?

Handling irate customers is something that I am quite experienced in. It is natural for customers going through a certain technical glitch to feel grumpy. I do not react negatively. I make sure that I understand their predicament, calm them down by using appropriate sentences, and then resolve their issues as best as I can.


70⟩ Explain me how you deal with the frustrated customer?

The first thing a help desk person must do is to try understanding the customer, also try to avoid the conflicts or any such things that disturbs the customer. Then you can confront with each other and try to solve the problem.


71⟩ Tell us how good are you at solving problem on phone?

Solving problem face to face is different than handling them on phone. To convince your interviewer that you have an ability to solve the problem you can put an example of any previous incident where you have solved the customer problem on phone easily.