⟩ What would you do if a child complained they were bored?
This question may be best answered with the SAR technique. Try to remember a similar situation when a bored child was amused in a stimulating, educational and non-disruptive way.
This question may be best answered with the SAR technique. Try to remember a similar situation when a bored child was amused in a stimulating, educational and non-disruptive way.
Tell me what would you do if a hurried visitor resists metal screening while entering the premises?
How to decide when you need to use arms to diffuse a situation?
What is Personal Assistant?
What are the duties of Personal Assistant?
Tell me something about yourself?
How do you rate your computer skills?
Did you look at our company website?
Tell me about yourself in three words?
How would you prioritise the tasks if you support more than one person?
Are you good at keeping matters confidential if required?