⟩ An example of a hierarchical data structure is A. array B. link list C. tree D. All of the above E. None of the above
C. tree
C. tree
On a systems flowchart, the online manual keeping of input data is identified by using the A. online storage symbol B. Online keyboard symbol C. keeping operation symbols D. manual operation symbols E. None of the above
Which of the following is not a characteristic of good test data A. users do not participate at this preliminary stage B. should be comprehensive C. every statement should be executed D. All of the above E. None of the above
In the system concepts, term Integration A. implies structure and order B. refers to the manner in which each component functions with other components of the system. C. means that parts of the computer system depend on one another. D. refers to the holism of systems E. None of the above
Indexed-Sequential organization A. means storing records in contiguous blocks according to a key. B. Stores records sequentially but uses an index to locate records C. uses an index for each key type D. has records placed randomly throughout the file E. None of the above
Management's decision to rent a computer system may be based upon A. tax advantages B. desire to avoid a large one-time payment C. operational flexibility in changing hardware D. All of the above E. None of the above
A system design is said to be functionally modular if A. the system is able to handle all the function of the application B. each module performs a specific function and can be developed relatively independently by programmers C. the system makes extensive use of function. keys for maximum user assistance D. the system is developed using structured programming through COBOL or PASCAL E. None of the above
Structured design produces computer programs that are A. easily B. maintained C. easily understood D. both (a) and (b)
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Positive testing is A. running the system with line data by the actual user B. making sure that the new programs do in fact process certain transactions according to Specifications C. is checking the logic of one or more programs in the candidate system D. testing changes made in an existing or a new program E. None of the above
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