⟩ What are the two types of transient data queues?
They are intrapartition, which can only be accessed from with CICS and extrapartition, which are typically used to collect data online, but process it in a batch environment.
They are intrapartition, which can only be accessed from with CICS and extrapartition, which are typically used to collect data online, but process it in a batch environment.
I have Physical file with 100 records,there is no any duplicate records in this pf.Based on this pf one Logical file i have used.But this lf is viewing only 80 records only of that pf?What is the reason for this?
How to know the particular record in pf with out reading?
How to know logical file belongs to which physical file without source?
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How to update physical file using logical file with example?
Why we create the Physical File Member?
How to update physical files using normal logical file?
Why Journalling is compulsory before Commitment Control?
Is it possible to create a logical file whose Physical file is not in same library?
How to add a field to a PF and compile it without loss of data?