
Question and Answer:

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⟩ How to prepare MIS report?

Prepare the same at your end. As it will help you to prepare other such formats too.

I am describing you the contents with sheet wise:

First Sheet-

Details of employee

a. E. Code b. Name of employee

c. Date of birth d. Designation e. CTC

f. Address for communication

g. Permanent address h. Contact number

i. Blood group j. Maximum qualification

k. Extra qualification l. Total Experience

Second Sheet-

Salary structure

In this sheet write down the complete salary structure.. and make a column what is salary after any revision

Third Sheet -

New JoineeS

In this sheet write down the name of New joinees of that month with detail




DOB n etc.

Forth Sheet -

Resigned employees

In this sheet write the name of employees who resigned during

that particular month with details like name, designation, date of joining,

Date of resignation, last working day.

Fifth sheet -

Attrition rate

Based on this MIS report, you may find out the attrition report, Qualification analysis reports, team management reports and so on can prepare a number of reports..


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