
Question and Answer:

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⟩ Simple Digital Marketing Interview Questions

These are the questions you should be ready to ask (or be asked) depending on whether you are the interviewee or interviewer.

► How long you have been working online?

► What companies you have worked with?

► What are some of the highlights of your career?

► Which social network you are most active on?

► What is your plan for growing our business using digital marketing?

► Are you are team worker or work better independently?

► What are your thoughts about content marketing?

► Do you think SEO is a part of digital marketing?

► What tools do you use to create, manage and measure digital campaigns?

► Do you blog?

► Given a chance what will be your digital marketing plan for our brand - immediately after you join.

► Which traffic is better - paid or organic?

► Is it OK if we focus only on organic traffic, and do not invest in paid media?

► If we go for paid media - where should be invest our money.

► How much money do we need for an ideal digital marketing plan in a year?

► What do you see as your goals during first 6 months of working with our company?

► Any questions you want to ask?


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