⟩ Standard Recruitment Consultant Job Interview Questions
☛ What sector are you working in at the moment?
☛ What roles are you typically filling on a day-to-day basis?
☛ Describe a typical day?
☛ What salary ranges are you typically working on?
☛ What was an average placement fee?
☛ What was your best month?
☛ What was your worst month?
☛ What was your largest placement value?
☛ How many people were you placing per month?
☛ How long were you on the phone each day?
☛ What is your current base Salary?
☛ What is your commission structure?
☛ What other benefits do you receive?
☛ Who did you report to?
☛ How are you targeted and how does that breakdown (KPI / Billings)?
☛ How much did you bill last year?
☛ What was your biggest month and when?
☛ Out of your team, where do you rank?
☛ What does the best person in the team do that you may not be doing?
☛ What is the typical sales cycle of a placement?
☛ What is your working hours?
☛ How did you prepare candidates for interview?
☛ How did you win new clients?
☛ How comfortable are you with cold-calling?
☛ Why are you looking to leave your current position?
☛ Describe a typical day?