
Question and Answer:

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⟩ Explain me why do you think companies or people need PR?

This kind of question is used to test how much you actually know about PR and its place in business so make sure you have done your research otherwise it will really show. PR is the process of assessing public attitudes, identifying the needs of an individual or an organization, before planning and carrying out actions to earn public acceptance and respect. With this definition understood it's easy to see how important it is for say; a company in the public eye or a celebrity launching a new product. With good PR you can change opinion, sell more products or get more people to listen or respect you by indirectly creating a positive image within the public. Use an example of a current news story where you have seen PR used successfully and unsuccessfully and perhaps make suggestions on what you might have done to counteract this in a similar situation. The interviewer will be looking for you to be picking up on detail that the average person would absorb passively and relaying back as a reason why it's important.


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