Time from 8 am on sunday to 8 p.m on following sunday = 7 days12 hours = 180 hoursthe watch gains (5+(5 4/5))min .or 54/5 min. in 180 hoursNow 54/5 minare gained in 180 hours.Therefore 5 minutes are gained in(180*5/54*5)hours=83 hours20 min.=3 days11hrs20min.therefore watch is correct at 3 days 11 hours 20 minutes after 8 a.mof sunday therefore it wil be correct at 20 min.past 7 p.m on Wednesday.
Topic: Clocks
A watch which gains uniformly ,is 5 min,slow at 8 o'clock inthe morning on sunday and it is 5 min.48 sec.fast at 8 p.m onfollowing sunday. when was it correct?
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A watch which gains uniformly ,is 5 min,slow at 8 o'clock inthe morning on sunday and it is 5 min.48 sec.fast at 8 p.m onfollowing sunday. when was it correct?