Ward Nurse

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“Ward Nurse Frequently Asked Questions in various Ward Nurse job interviews by interviewer. The set of questions are here to ensures that you offer a perfect answer posed to you. So get preparation for your new job interview”

25 Ward Nurse Questions And Answers

1⟩ Tell us do you have any specialties as Ward Nurse?

Yes I have lot of specialities . I am a good lisoner as well as a leaner. I never leave till tomorrow which I can do today. Another specialities of mine is self confidence and because I am always ready to meet challenges.


2⟩ Explain me what kinds of additional responsibilities or challenges have you taken on?

I started a psychoeducational group at the methadone clinic (colonial management group) I worked at, I noticed people coming to treatment but weren't fully informed on what methadone was. I designed and supervised a peer support program at CENTAUR I've assisted with supervising interns, met with them once a week, provided feedback on group facilitation, helped them with improving clinical skills I managed productivity tracking at CENTAUR and helped brainstorm ways to improve productivity.


3⟩ Explain me why are you the best candidate for us as Ward Nurse?

I have the compassion, empathy and have gained many skills (with still more to learn & acquire) since taking on the challenge of changing my career and commencing my Aged Care training. I have wanted to do this for so long and I just wanted to be able to make a difference to someone's life or day. It's like when I lived and breathed hairdressing it was a privilege to be able to enter someones home and do their hair and make them feel and look good.


4⟩ Tell us would you consider yourself a patient person?

Absolutely. At CENTAUR my supervisor would typically assign clients who needed someone who is calm, patient, and understanding. I got a lot of the erratic clients who were easily angered or depressed clients who need a lot of care and support. My calm patient demeanor would pacify their anger or pain.


6⟩ Explain me what do you like about being a nurse?

Do tell them- How you enjoy caring for your patients and making a difference in a patient’s life.

Don’t tell them- You like making money. Don’t keep going on about your profession either. Just keep it simple.


7⟩ Please explain me example of a time when you dealt calmly and effectively in a volatile situation?

Terr- CL was actively manic and running lose in the building. I was called to get the client. Spoke to client calmly and brought him into an office. Allowed client to express what was happening and his feelings and he calmed down. Wil. Stil- upset because case manager wouldn't place him in housing immediately. Loud in lobby and homicidal and suicidal suggestions. Called to building. Brought client in office, expressed frustrations. Called psychiatrist whom has good relationship who spoke to him on speaker phone. Developed plan going forward.


8⟩ Explain me why do you want to enter in this career?

I've always been interested in gaining experience in hospital setting due to its fast pace, it's a challenge for me. I feel I have a lot to offer in this type of setting, I have a lot of experience with co-occuring disorders which I would imagine a lot of clients here are co-occuring. I have experience being in a past paced busy environment and managing conflicts on a daily basis. I love running groups. I have a lot of experience with assessments and diagnosing. I'm a team player and majority of my clinical experience has relied heavily on integrated treatment services.


9⟩ Tell us what is your greatest strength as Ward Nurse?

I'm detail oriented; Highly organized; punctual; good at creating and planning I'm dedicated- I become invested in the population and company I work for. I take the initiative to develop myself in whatever area I lack. When I started working at CENTAUR I didn't know a lot about HIV so I starting following social media sites on HIV, I attended events and forums on HIV, subscribed to HIV magazines. I even put on a HIV awareness event in my community. I wanted to fully understand my clients experience and what they face. I volunteered for events for my company.


10⟩ Please explain why did you choose to pursue a career as a Psychiatric Aide?

I wanted to pursue a psychiatric aide because the basics are important. A foundation to anything will allow you to experience a field from all angles. Especially in psychology it is importnat that as those helping the mentally disabled, we approach their situation from all angles, observing body language, eyecontact, behavioral patterns, expressions etc. As an Aide I will be able to see firsthand how a professional in the field carries out therapy and how they approach different patients from different mental state of minds. This is invaluable for me, and will shed a new informational light in the psych field for myself.


12⟩ Tell us what do you find difficult about being a nurse?

Do tell them- Nursing can be a little stressful at times but you feel you do a pretty good job of caring for your patients and balancing everything. If you can give an example of multi- tasking, that you find it stressful at times but you are used to it and you have a system in place that allows you to deal with stress. This lets the nursing manager know that you are aware of the difficulties with nursing but that you do everything you can to overcome them.


13⟩ What are your career goals as Ward Nurse?

Obtain licensure by September 2016, obtain CAP certification, become Qualified supervisor. I'm interested in leadership/program development. I have an interest in hospital setting; this is usually the beginning point before a client transitions to further care so its critical that they receive proper referrals and become invested in their recovery to increase chances of ongoing stabilization.


16⟩ Can you tell us what do you know about our organization?

Central Florida Behavioral Hospital is emergency receiving facility that opened in 2008. The company has a trauma informed philosophy that focuses on client learning to be self sufficient, providing hope, empowerment, connection, and hope. The mission of the company is to provide service that clients would recommend to their families and friends, physicians prefer to refer, and staff feel proud to represent. Serve from children to mature adults. There are 9 units serving children/adolescents, co-occuring disorders, affective disorders, mature adults, general adult, persistent mental illness, shock therapy, partial hospitalization, and intensive outpatient. Open 24 hours a day and accept referrals and walk-ins.


17⟩ Tell us how do you handle stressful situations as Ward Nurse?

I try to step back and calm myself down first, reach out to my peers/supervisor for support then think of a plan to address the problem. I make sure to react to situation and not to stress. EX: When we switched to new documentation system it was extremely stressful, there were aspects of the system we didn't understand, we had to transfer old notes/billing from older system while maintaining normal daily duties. We didn't fully understand how to do some things. It was insane and I felt extremely overwhelmed. I met with my supervisor and expressed how I was feeling, cried, and that made a huge difference. After getting past the emotions I was able to just accept what couldn't be done at the moment and accomplish would I could get done, ask right questions and got answers, etc.


18⟩ Tell us how will you be able to tolerate being in a mental health facility for your career?

I myself carry a disability that I have had to grow up with. I have gone through what everyone knows is the "five stages of grief", but in the end it has empowered me and I adapt quickly to make the most of my situation and make it work for me. My persona, I believe is warm and invititing. After being exposed to a lot of mental health related issues during my undergrad years as a peer counselor, I have developed coping mechanisms and realized my true purpose in life is to help those that need help. I have grown up in a clinical medicinal environment and the one field that I just wanted to know more about was the mental health field. I believe my compassion and my strength to accept what I cant change and to always perservere, is what will allow me to tolerate being in a mental health facility.


19⟩ Can you please tell us how your connections to coworkers or others help you to be successful in your work?

Having a positive relationship with my co-workers helps us work more collaboratively as a team. If I don't know something I can always reach out to a co-worker who in most cases does. I can reach out to them to help with tasks that need to be completed or to help put out fires in the community. If a client is having an issue or concern and I can't address it at the moment I can reach out to a coworker who has time to do it. Connection in the community- build those relationships for ease of referrals of collaborating on treatment.