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82 Desktop Support Questions And Answers

21⟩ What is Firewire Port? What are its uses?

Firewire port is a form of Serial Port that make use of FireWire Technology to transfer data rapidly from one electronic device to another.

FireWire port has the ability to interact with a number of different devices. For example FireWire can provide an ideal way to connect a scanner with computer system. Because transfer rate in FireWire port can reach up to 400Mbps, the data transfer is relatively fast and also result in excellent quality.


22⟩ How to tell if the print spool in running and where is it located? where does it store spooled print jobs?

Print spooler is very important service in windows to use printer to print document on local printer or on network printer if this service stop by any reason printer not working on that pc so need to be start that service if print show print fails message . And also if u r share any printer on win xp machine and trying to install it on another win7 pc many times it stop working while installing printer in shared network.


23⟩ Tell me what type of problems are associated with operating system like window XP?

If that PC having Windows XP Operating System

Given below are the problems

1. Select boot device in BIOS

2. If you are installed

Multiple operating system, select which one you want it (that files Boot.ini)

3. ntldr misssing press ctrl+alt+del to restart

4. file is

missing press

5. Kernel file is missing press c+a+d to restart (ntkernol)

6. Chkdsk error

7. No media device

8. Bad RAM

9. Fatal Error (Blue Screen)

10. Once enter the OS it is showing low disk

space / low virtual memory, etc..

11. Not properly installed hardware and software drivers (see the device manager)

12. Your HDD having Bad Sectors

13. Again and again restart

14. System is hanging


24⟩ A user in a corporate network contacts service desk saying he/she has lost network connectivity How will you troubleshoot the issue? What are the steps to followed?

1. Check the cable if it is connected to the workstation/ notebook and if it is receiving signal from the switch.

2. Check using the command "ipconfig" to confirm the IP range that the user's machine is in if it is using APIPA address, This will mean the machine can not reach the DHCP server and if the user has an assigned static address try pinging the gateway, DNS,Proxy Server or one of the Domain Controllers.

3. If all pinged replies successfully check to see the proxy settings through Lan Settings on your Browser.

4. Depending on the structure of your corporate network you might need to check the mac address (of the user's workstation) on the cisco switches (if used) to find out which VLan is it in and move it to the correct VLan.


26⟩ What is bootloader?

Boot Loader is the part of the OS that enables booting process and loading the particular OS while start up.

The function of the Boot Loader is to perform and start up options while the users turn on the system.

The Boot Loader includes some files that are responsible for enabling the boot processes.

While you booting the computer, the NTLDR file from the Windows XP takes the charge and start up the Proper OS.

The BOOT.INI file will help NTLDR to find the location of the OS.

The Boot Loader also performs the options for Recovery Console and Safe Mode computing along with the OS.

In the case of Dual Booting, Boot Loader is responsible for changing the Partition Settings.


1. First is the POST(Power On Self Test) this process tests memory as well as other subsystems.

2. Once the POST is completed the BIOS comes sure that everything is working properly.

The BIOS will then attempt to read the MBR (Master Boot Record) this is the first sector of the first hard Drive.

3. MBR looks the Boot Sector of the active partition, that is where NTLDR is located. NTLDR is the Boot Loader for Windows XP.

NTLDR will allow memory addressing, initiate the file system, read the Boot.INI and load the Boot menu.

NTLDR has to be in the root of the Active Partition as NTDETECT.COM, BOOT.INI, BOOTSECT.DOS (for Multi OS), NTBOOTDD.SYS (SCSI adapters).

4. Once XP is selected from Boot menu, NTLDR will run NTDETECT.COM, BOOT.INI, BOOTSECT.DOS to get proper OS selected and loaded.

5. NTLDR will then load NTOSKRNL.EXE and HAL.DLL these two files are in Windows XP located in %SYSTEMROOT%SYSTEM32

6. NTLDR reads the registry chooses a Hardware profile and authorizes Device Drivers in the exact order.

7. At this point NTOSKRNL.EXE takes over. It starts WINLOGON.EXE that in turn starts LSASS.EXE this is the program that display the logon screen so that you can logon.


27⟩ How to install OS from Server to all system?

Its possible to install OS for 50 machines at a time. We can use three ways.

1) WDS (Windows Deployment Service)

2) RIS (Remote Installation Service)

3) Ghost imaging.

In WDS, first we need to caputure the image of OS into the sever. Then confirm all machines should be connected with LAN.

RIS also maintains the procedures like WDS.

In ghosting we need to take the image of client OS into particular HDD. By using that source HDD, we can easily install the os into all the machines. This is very easy way.


28⟩ How will you install Operating System in more than 50 PC at a time when the all Pcs having same configuration?

First I install OS in one machine & default software if required than i will create one Ghost Image of that machine than I will make 49 copies of that Ghost Image DVD & run on all ramain PC, but for this you should be have ghost software & knowledge of ghost( how to make Ghost bootable DVD/CD & how to use that ) this is a 1 solution another is given below -

Installing over Network

Here You have to build one distribution server & copy OS's i386 on Distribution Server & install the network client - this software allows the target computer to connect to distribution server .

The setup programme copies installation files to target computer & creates set up boot disk. After setup copy installation files you start the installation from set up boot disk.


29⟩ You have a virus that loaded several processes every time you stop the process it restarts itself you tried going into safe mode but it does the same thing. you found the DLL files associated with it but you cant stop or delete them what is the easiest way to repair?

Encourage your users to back up their important files constantly

1) Run virus removal software in Safe mode

2) Disable all unknown start up protocols using msconfig.

3) Be ready to format or restore a ghost image if neccessary.

If this is an office network teach users to save and store important data on a mapped network drive.


30⟩ If you have client in a different location and want to access that client from server, What is the best way to access that client from server?

Different location means somewhere far? if systems are on different servers then When we will us MSTSC (Remote Desktop Connection) to access system in different location then from the client system we will Remote Access to the Server and from Server we will Remotely Access the other location's Server and from that server we will access the clients of that location. Its the most reliable way. And if you have Internet access in network then you can use third party Remote Access Applications like TeamViewer. IN TeamViewer you can access any system directly through internet.


31⟩ What is difference between MSI and EXE file?

AN msi is an installer, uninstaller and program repairer, it performs all those functions. The same file that installs the program also uninstalls it and if the programs detects missing files or corrupt settings the msi repairs it. When you install a program with an msi, a copy of it or a near copy is also installed somewhere so that the program is always able to be repaired without you having to really do anything.

C:Windows Installer is one of the folders where back-up msi are kept. If you have a choice choose msi.


32⟩ How to install operating system in USB Pen drive?

Step 1. Format the USB Flash Disk

Run CMD (elevated) and type:

1. diskpart

2. list disk (*now find your USB disk number, youll find it by its size)

3. select disk 1 (*if your USB is disk 1)

4. clean

5. create partition primary

6. select partition 1 (*this is 1, no matter what number is your USB disk)

7. active

8. format fs=fat32 (or ntfs, works with both)

9. assign

10. exit

Note: Don't type the things in parentheses above!!

Step 2. Copy Windows 7 or Vistas DVD content to the Flash Disk

Still on CMD, assuming your dvd is drive d: and your usb is drive e:

* xcopy d:*.* /s/e/f e:

Your done. Works perfectly.You'll make the fastest install ever.


33⟩ Tell me what does APIPA stand for and how can you tell if your computer is using it? why would your computer be using it?

APIPA - Automatic Priavte IP addressing.

This is a dynamic service (I mentioned here dynamic means you have not need to start & stop this service, computer will automatically started this service when DHCP is down & stop this service when DHCP is up) that means this service is related with DHCP.

APIPA assign private IP address from to

APIPA also check presence DHCP server every 5 miniute ( according to microsoft )


35⟩ How to make the desktop icons smaller or lager?

This is very simple on you main desktop just right click the mouse button in a blank space, then scroll down and click properties. You are at the display settings menu on the top bar you will see a tab that reads appearance, click on this tab. Once you are at the appearance tab click the advanced button (it should be in the lower right corner) once you are at the advanced window, you will see a scroll down menu that has desktop displayed, click on this and scroll down to icons, now simply raise the font of the icon size and the icons will become larger, to raise the font of the text there is a bar underneath that, it will list the format the text is displayed in, to the right of that will be the size, you can also bold the text with the bold button on the right side of this bar.


38⟩ What is the PST size limit in outlook97, 2000, 2003, 2007 and 2010?

In Outlook 2002 and earlier, the .pst files are in the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) format, and the overall size has a limit of 2 GB.

In Outlook 2003 and after, the .pst files are in the Unicode format, Outlook 2003 and 2007 overall size has a limit of 20GB. And Outlook 2010 overall size has a limit of 50GB.


39⟩ How do you reset the users password give the steps it took to get you to the user account?

If its a local account on an XP machine or 2000 you can enter control panel and local users icon to reset accounts. Or enter RUN from Start menu and type lusrmgr.msc to open the applet directly. If the account resides on an active directory server environment then you will need to open the ADUC. You can do this by either drilling down to it from the administration tools menu off the start menu or via control panel or by going to RUN from START menu and entering DSA.msc.


40⟩ A users application on their desktop is not working, explain what you would do to resolve this problem?

1. We need check when did the issue started. Like, after installing any software or after performing any update.

2. If you are not sure of the above information, in a Windows PC, go to Event Viewer and check if there any error information available. If available, follow the steps related to that.

3. If not available kill the application in the task manager and try to open it.

4. If it is still not working, try restarting the PC, reinstalling application...

The steps need to follow depends on the type of issue...