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82 Desktop Support Questions And Answers

42⟩ How to set the IP address by using the command prompt?

There are Two ways to Set the IP address from CMD Prompt

1. Go to start, select run, type CMD, and in CMD Prompt type the command

C:>netsh interface ip set address name="Local Area Connection" source=dhcp

2.Go to start, select run, type CMD, and in CMD Prompt type the command

C:>netsh interface ip set address local static 1


43⟩ What is the IP range in networking side? How do we troubleshoot Outlook? How do we configure ldap on Outlook?

I am hoping I am submiting the correct answer. IP range in netwroking side is related to DHCP and Address pools. Ex: to -> Can be defined as address range allowed to distribute and to are restricted to destribute to client computers.

LDAP on outlook can be configured through Tools menu->Account settings-Address books-Select new address book->Select LDAP address book->in next window add server details.


44⟩ How would you Enable or Disable the Firewall in Windows XP?

To enable Windows Firewall, follow these steps:

Click Start, click Run, type Firewall.cpl, and then click OK.

On the General tab, click On (recommended).

Click OK.


To disable Windows Firewall, follow these steps:

Click Start, click Run, type Firewall.cpl, and then click OK.

On the General tab, click Off (not recommended).

Click OK.



Click Start Menu -> Control Panel -> Go In Security Center -> Click Firwall Recommendations -> Then Choose Either Disable or Enable.


45⟩ What is TFT?

TFT-LCD (Thin Film Transistor-Liquid Crystal Display) is a variant of Liquid Crystal Display (LCD) which uses Thin-Film Transistor (TFT) technology to improve image quality. TFT LCD is one type of active matrix LCD, though it is usually synonymous with LCD. It is used in both flat panel displays and projectors. In computing, TFT monitors are rapidly displacing competing CRT technology, and are commonly available in sizes from 12 to 30 inches.


46⟩ What is LCD?

A liquid crystal display (commonly abbreviated LCD) is a thin, flat display device made up of any number of color or monochrome pixels arrayed in front of a light source or reflector. It is prized by engineers because it uses very small amounts of electric power, and is therefore suitable for use in battery-powered electronic devices.


47⟩ How to install Operating System in more than 50 PC at a time when the all Pcs having same configuration?

1. Insatall OS in a system.

2. Using Ghost Softwares ,Creat images of this OS to Every New Hard Disk.

3. Attach the Hard disks to every sytesm

4. Run Syspre utility from OS cd and follow the instructions. then Restart the computers.

If Computers are in Domain Network (2003 server), Client machines are having >PEX network bootable adapter.

In server machine

1. Configure DNS

2. Configure DHCP

3. Configure Domain controller

4. Start menu-programes-admin tools-remote installation services.

Follw the instrction.

5. In DHCP Security Options fill 066,067 parameters.

In Client Machines

1. Change the BIOS setting to .exe bootable

2. Restart the client macnines, when you ask, type administrator,passwrod.

3. OS installtion starts.

It is best way to install OS more no. of machines.


48⟩ How to create an email account for a user already in AD?

If the user account has been created with a mailbox (mailbox enabled) you may follow ameetsaha's instructions, but if you need to create an email account (mailbox) you will have to go to your Active directory using your Adminpack with exchange componets installed and .

1. Right click the user account and click on exchange tasks and click next on the exchange wizard window.

2. Select add mailbox and click next follow the prompts and direct the mailbox to a mail storage click next after every prompt and finish when done.

Then all Ameetsaha instructed is correct in my opinion.


50⟩ How to add a user to network?

If this is a work network using a domain; then you simply join the user to the Domain.

1. Right click my computer, Properties

2. Computer name tab

3. Click change button

4. Supply a computer name

5. Then supply a domain/workgroup

Hope this is the answer you where looking for.


51⟩ Suppose A User calls in and complains that her computer and network is running very slow. How would go about troubleshooting it?

'Slow' is a relative question, so first determine what the user is experiencing. Is it slow opening applications or while working in them? is this a networked application or local? If it is a website or network application, the tech can try to open it from their workstation. When did this start? Can you check co-workers sitting near you to see if they also report slowness?

Also, ask the user what, if anything, has changed since it was working 'correctly'. Ask if the user is working from the location they normally do -- maybe they are working at an alternate workstation, working from home over VPN or other issue which they might not realize is a factor, so they fail to inform you.


52⟩ What is the difference between language and technology?

Technology is the way in which a current problem statement is Resolved.

and Language by the way in which the technology has been Implemented.

e.g Silverlight is technology which comes from Microsoft

it has been implemented in c# language...

another example WCF is a technology implemented via c#


53⟩ What is the difference between LCD and TFT?

LCD Means Liquid crystal display

TFT means Thin Film Transistor Liquid Crystal Display.

What I think you mean is Active and Passive matrix LCD panels. This is where there is a difference in price. A typical active TFT panel capable of resolutions of just 1024x768 is made up of nearly 2.5 million transistors (commonly known as small 3 legged lumps of silicon found in TV's and most other electronics) eccept in this case, the transistors are etched onto glass, to microscopic precision hence the name "Thin Film Transistor". A normal LCD basicaly has two layers of glass, one with rows, one with columns, this makes up a grid that can be referenced to control each pixel. The control is done with an IC (integrated circuit or silicon chip) on the LCD's circuit board/s. TFT's tend to be quicker ( response time) and nicer to look at in general.


54⟩ Explain steps you would take to secure Windows 2000 Server resources and files?

There are lot of secure option for Windows, You can secure by -

Set a difficult password for administrator

Disable gust account

Give minimum & limit permissions to administrator's members

Make minimum share folder on your Windows's

Give minimum share permission on that folder & full control to trust users

Always change the administrator password

Install third part firewall & set minimum port.

Access & deny those user's & IP which you don't want to access to your computer.

Don't share your password.


55⟩ How to make desktop icons appear larger?

Right click on desktop. Go to properties and then click on appearance tab. Then further click on effects tab. A window will open. Select the use large option. Then click on apply OK. Thats it.


56⟩ What is LDAP Server?

LDAP, Lightweight Directory Access Protocol, is an Internet protocol that email and other programs use to look up information from a server.


57⟩ What is difference between Win XP and Wn 7 technically?

Windows XP has a simple look and not that much secured as compared to Windows 7

1. XP does not have gadgets like clock but win 7 has

2. Win 7 looks and graphics are awesome than Xp.

3. Bitdefender is built in in win7 to protect pc from instant attack of adware malware etc.

4. User Account Control is added. in win 7

5. Very secured feature. System files always remain 7

6. Speech recognition feature to win 7. You can handle and run pc by speaking in mic.

7. It provides diagnose tools for troubleshooting. (Win7)

8. Easy backup and restore feature as compared to XP.


Overall Windows 7 is awesome.


58⟩ What is IP range in networking side?

Microsoft Outlook can store more data. it's format of *.pst .it

used SMTP protocol we can used. spell check, notepad, remainder is present in version of MS-OFFICE XP, 2003, 2007. It's used

as Microsoft application.

Outlook configures with Microsoft office products. Outlook express format *.dbx...and ver of 5.0,5.5.&'s

equivalent of IE ver. spell checker, calc, notepad is NOT here. less data can be used.

It's uses POP3 & SMTP Protocols. incoming mail POP3 & Outgoing mail SMTP

IP Range

1-126 Class A subnet mask

128-191 Class B subnet mask

192-223 Class C subnet mask

224-241 Class D subnet mask

242-254 Class E


60⟩ What is the difference between windows xp and windows 2000?

Windows 2000 and Windows XP are essentially the same operating system (known internally as Windows NT 5.0 and Windows NT 5.1, respectively.) Here are some considerations if you're trying to decide which version to use:Windows 2000 benefits * Windows 2000 has lower system requirements, and has a simpler interface (no "Styles" to mess with). * Windows 2000 is slightly less expensive, and has no product activation. * Windows 2000 has been out for a while, and most of the common problems and security holes have been uncovered and fixed. * Third-party software and hardware products that aren't yet XP-compatible may be compatible with Windows 2000; check the manufacturers of your devices and applications for XP support before you upgrade. Windows XP benefits * Windows XP is somewhat faster than Windows 2000, assuming you have a fast processor and tons of memory (although it will run fine with a 300Mhz Pentium II and 128MB of RAM). * The new Windows XP interface is more cheerful and colorful than earlier versions, although the less-cartoony "Classic" interface can still be used if desired. * Windows XP has more bells and whistles, such as the Windows Movie Maker, built-in CD writer support, the Internet Connection Firewall, and Remote Desktop Connection. * Windows XP has better support for games and comes with more games than Windows 2000.