Head Chef

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“Sous Chef related Frequently Asked Questions in various Head Chef job interviews by interviewer. The set of questions here ensures that you offer a perfect answer posed to you. So get preparation for your new job hunting”

76 Head Chef Questions And Answers

23⟩ Tell me what do you know about flattop, grill, and saute stations?

I know that each kitchen tool can be used in a diverse way to create very tasteful cuisine. Flattop, can be used to simmer sauces and stocks in a controlled temp. Grill can be used to reheat Asian type foods, and saute station can double as a egg and omlette station, hot cereal station as well.


26⟩ What is your favorite food memory?

Not really sure if I had one because my mums cooking was pretty bad, hence the reason I explored cooking to see if there was more to it. I did like her braises, so anything that involves meat cooking for a long time would be one of them.


36⟩ Tell us of a time when you were put in a situation which truly tested your ability to handle things as an executive chef?

We were catering a large order of 112 pizzas and ironically ran out of pizza cheese! It was one of the most mortifying moments of my life. Thankfully, I knew of a local cheese supplier who was kind enough to supply me the cheese, provided that I went to pick it up from her. I rushed to her outlet myself. Thankfully, the cheese hadn't run out for the running orders till then and we were still able to prepare them all on time!


38⟩ What do you like most about being a Sous Chef?

The ability to see different management styles from different chefs and the ability to learn different cuisine styles from different chefs. All of these things help me to grow and become better rounded.


39⟩ Tell me have you had an experience in marketing campaigns?

Chefs are often involved in marketing and promotion of their restaurants. If you have any such experience or education, do not hesitate to say so. Chefs already know the market and can therefore participate in branding a place and creating marketing presence and promotional strategies.