⟩ Tell me when have you resolved a conflict with a kitchen helper?
I am a peace maker so I always know how to handle conflick listen to the problem and begin with a calm voice and a positive response and usually that will stop the problem.
I am a peace maker so I always know how to handle conflick listen to the problem and begin with a calm voice and a positive response and usually that will stop the problem.
How long should it take to clean a guest room? How would you react to a guest screaming at you?
Tell us how well do you work in a team?
Basic Housekeeping Interview Questions
General Housekeeper Job Interview Questions
Operational and Situational Housekeeper Job Interview Questions
Please explain a time when your work was criticized? How did you handle it?
Tell me how would you handle an altercation between two team members?
Tell me what do you find rewarding working as a housekeeping supervisor?
Explain how would you calm down a particularly irate customer?
Tell us what is your prime chemical safety concern in your job?