Call Center Team Leader

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“Call Center Team Leader related Frequently Asked Questions by expert members with job experience as Call Center Team Leader. These questions and answers will help you strengthen your technical skills, prepare for the new job interview and quickly revise your concepts”

49 Call Center Team Leader Questions And Answers

2⟩ Tell us what qualities do you think are important in order to provide good customer assistance?

I believe that the ability to communicate clearly and establish rapport with customers is key to assuring customer satisfaction. As a call center representative, I emphasize friendliness, honesty and accuracy when dealing with customers. Another important characteristic is the ability to practice active listening and empathy for the customer’s problems. Customers need to feel that their problems are as important to the representative as they are to themselves. Many times, customers may be highly upset or irate; therefore, a good representative will possess the ability to remain patient and calm under all circumstances. In my interactions with customers, I keep in mind that I need to do my best to address their concerns as effectively as possible, no matter what. Finally, comprehensive knowledge of the product in question and of relevant company policy is necessary in order to offer effective solutions.


4⟩ Tell us how many people have you managed in the past?

I managed a team of five in my last position, and I loved being able to offer advice and train them into better employees. To help motivate my team I frequently placed goals in front of them that they were incentivized to reach. I found this increased their motivation and their performance.


6⟩ Explain me what are three positive characteristics you wish you had?

The key here is to be honest about your wish list but then to describe how you plan on developing or growing those characteristics so that it becomes a reality. For example, I wish I had a stronger work ethic and I am reading a book right now about how to instill a better discipline around getting work done efficiently.


7⟩ As you know working in a call center is very repetitive. What will motivate you to do a good job everyday?

This job entails talking to new prospective customers everyday. With each call I never know what to expect on the other end so I don't find it repetitive. If I didn't do my best it could result in a lost sale. Each person deserves just as much effort as the rest. It's only right if my 100th call is just as enthusiastic as my first.


8⟩ Explain what do you like to do for fun?

If they say things like, “hanging out with friends and watching movies”, they probably aren’t the go-getter type you’re looking for. Great talent has passion outside of the office: Perhaps they like to cycle, play guitar in a band, or they have a side gig (what better way to show a hard work ethic!) In any event, while ‘hanging out with friends’ is a good social trait, you should certainly look for the candidate that offers more to this answer.


9⟩ Tell me how many calls per hour can you make/receive?

This question primarily applies to telemarketers, but it is also applicable to employees who receive calls. Figure out what the average time per call is, and use that time to figure out how many calls you can make per hour. Customer complaint/problem calls tend to run a bit longer than telemarketing calls, so you will make fewer calls per hour if you are providing support or technical assistance.


10⟩ Can you explain about a time when a customer call was escalated to your attention. How did you handle it? What was the outcome?

We had a customer call in that was very upset, and the agent brought it to my attention. The key to solving the situation was in listening to the customer and offering to refund her order. I then explained to the team that even if you have more calls to get through, it is more important to take the time to listen and understand the customer. And if you still aren’t able to reach a solution, forwarding the call to me is the right thing to do.


11⟩ Suppose I am an angry customer; How would you talk me down?

It’s extremely useful to know in advance how potential agents will handle irate callers.

If you simply ask them, however, most applicants will claim they’d do all the right things. They’ll say things like “I’d actively listen to the customer’s complaint, take notes, and find a solution that complies with company policy.”

While the pressure of a job interview isn’t exactly the same as an angry customer on the phone, it’s worthwhile to simulate the situation and watch how candidates respond in a high-pressure situation. Consider writing a script ahead of time (using real quotes, if possible) from experiences your existing agents have had.


12⟩ Explain me how do you handle a customer who starts yelling at you as soon as they pick up and find out that you are a telemarketer?

Not every customer is in the right mood for a sales call, and I understand that. Irate customers are part of the game, and I can easily calm them down with an apology; however, I will usually attempt to get a callback time so a valuable potential customer doesn’t lose out on the great benefits your products can give them.


13⟩ Explain me how do you deal with a customer who demands solutions you cannot provide?

I strive to always go the extra mile to achieve satisfactory solutions to customer concerns. However, sometimes a customer will insist on obtaining services that are either against company policy or impossible to provide. For example, I once had an angry customer who wanted to return a computer in exchange for one of a different brand. My company did not sell any computers of that other brand, so that was not a service I could offer him. I listened to his concerns and his reasons for wanting the other computer. Then I told him about other computers offered by my company that were similar to the one he wanted and explained how their attributes were suitable for the customer’s purposes. As a result, the customer was able to calm down and ultimately chose to receive a replacement computer from our catalog.


14⟩ Explain me what your idea of a call center is and how you would utilize your prior experience in providing call center service?

I see a call center as a place where I would provide customer service over the phone instead of face-to-face. I understand that it is typically a high-paced environment where I will need to adapt to speaking with many different types of people and address their concerns. My time providing face-to-face customer service has taught me the value of tailoring interaction to each individual for maximum customer satisfaction. I have also learned to listen actively, express empathy and offer constructive and prompt solutions. In my opinion, since over-the-phone customers do not have the advantage of observing my facial expressions and body language, I will need to ensure that my tone conveys the message I intend. As customers are also unable to see what I am doing, I will also be sure to keep them updated throughout our conversation, for example, letting them know that I am checking the electronic record of their purchase.


17⟩ Explain the toughest decision you had to make in the last 6 months?

Talk about a challenging question! I can’t even think about a tough decision I’ve had to make in that timeframe. (Don’t worry, we’re leading into an easy question next.) There’s no right answer here, just let the candidate tell their story, and hopefully the challenge had some merit.


18⟩ Tell us what do you do if the dialer puts a Do Not Call number through to you by mistake?

I would apologize and assure the customer that I will make certain their number gets categorized correctly. I would then note it in the CRM application. That way even if it's a system error we will still catch the mistake next time and another agent won't have to deal with an escalated encounter. Lastly, I would notify my manager.


19⟩ Basic Call Center Team Leader Job Interview Questions

☛ What software programs are you familiar with?

☛ What tools have you used to record details from your calls?

☛ How large was the customer database at your previous company?

☛ What do you know about our customers?

☛ Describe a time you solved a problem with a coworker.

☛ Describe a time you worked with a team to achieve a common goal.

☛ How do you manage your time? How many calls per hour do you usually make on a campaign?

☛ Describe a time you calmed down an angry customer.

☛ How do you manage stress after talking to difficult customers?

☛ Describe a time you successfully upsold a customer.

☛ What’s your approach to delivering great customer service?

☛ If you don’t know the answer to a customer’s question, what do you do?

☛ What would you do if you were on the phone with a customer while experiencing a system crash?

☛ This job tends to be repetitive. How do you stay motivated? What do you hope to get out of this job?


20⟩ Tell us what’s your idea of a call center?

If you have no previous call center experience, interviewers will use this question to gauge your familiarity with the call center environment. Use this opportunity to not only highlight the actual function of a call center, but also the role call center agents play in providing quality customer service.

You should also pay special attention to what kind of call center you are applying for. Inbound call centers field the customer calls placed towards a business and your time will be spent addressing customer questions and concerns. Whereas in outbound call centers, you will be responsible for dialing customers and prospects to collect survey responses, schedule sales demonstrations, perform telemarketing, and more.