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“Career Break related Frequently Asked Questions by expert members with experience in Career Break. These questions and answers will help you strengthen your technical skills, prepare for the new job test and quickly revise the concepts”

84 Career Break Questions And Answers

61⟩ Tell me about coming back home after a long career break?

Coming back home is not always easy. There are a few pieces of advice we can provide you, but until you live it, it's hard to say how you will feel about returning. We've been collecting career breaker re-entry stories for years now I am pretty sure you will be able to relate to these other career breakers in many ways. Each person's experience is unique. However there are some things that hold pretty constant for all career breakers.


62⟩ List a few things to do before leaving for a career break?

Here are a few things you should do before leaving for a career break:

★Choose your itinerary with some thought about coming back to the workforce.

★Update your resume.

★Contact your business contacts and let them know that you are leaving to travel and why you have chosen to do so.


63⟩ How would you craft your environment again after a career break?

It is important to surround yourself by people who have gone through a similar experience and love travel. Remember the support group you identified while in the planning stages? They are still your support group and understand the same struggles that you may face when you return.


64⟩ Please tell me about the discomfort, uncertainty and responsibility in a career break?

With long-term travel comes discomfort, uncertainty and ultimate responsibility for everything that goes on in your life, which is always the case of course but when you are at home you might have people who help you out make you dinner, give you a ride or buy you a ticket to the game. Plenty of people are willing to help you out while you are traveling. An incredible amount actually but it is not something you can count on like close friends or family. It is different. And being truly on your own, in a strange country without hotel reservations or signs in English, can be uncomfortable.

Being disconnected may have its merits but it wore me down over the months. Granted, I was connected to the Internet more days than not. I could email, social media and connect to my friends and family most of the time. But everyone is still back home and you are still out there.


65⟩ What would be you answer of why is there a gap in your CV?

Most people have a gap or two in their career history. It is very common and not normally anything to worry about. There is, however, only one explanation that an employer is really going to view favourably:

★ Further training/education

Other common - and conceivably constructive - reasons include:

★ Raising a child

★ Caring for another dependent

★ Travel

But there are also reasons which will definitely be viewed negatively:

★ Inability to find a suitable position

★ Ill health


67⟩ Why should you update your resume after returning from career break?

You do not have to hide your career break, you should address it. You may want a number of versions of how you address it depending on the jobs you are applying for.

★ Include a short section about your career break and if you did any work related activities during that time (volunteering, teaching, freelancing, ran a blog).

★ Include an area/continent that you focused on especially if it has ties to your work in some way. I was in IT and often worked with outsourcing firms in India so highlighting my world experience was key.

★ Soft skills are most every career breaker will return with better soft skills acquired from their time on the road. Key areas involve - Risk taker, negotiation skills, flexibility, patience, adapt quickly to changing environments, and enhanced decisions making. In my opinion, much of these skills fall into one important area in business - leadership.

★ List your travel website if you feel it is professional enough to mention.

★ Look over it with a critical business eye before touting it on your resume.


68⟩ List a few things to do while on the career break?

Here are a few things you should do while on the road:

★Periodically stay in contact with colleagues and provide them updates of your travels and experiences.

★Create personal name cards.

★As you meet people while traveling be sure to ask them what they do.

★Have your story ready.

★Try to meet some of the expat community.


69⟩ How would you get ready to return from a career break to start working?

Research as much as you can about the career and sector you want to return to. The biggest obstacle people face after having a career break is being left behind as technology or processes move on, so ensure you know about all the market trends.

A simple way to get this information is to sign up for industry newsletters or follow blogs. This way you can have a small daily dose of news, which quickly adds up to a lot of knowledge.

Before you start down the social networking route, check that you would be happy for potential employers to see your online profiles. If not, clean up or delete.

Volunteering is also a good way to ease yourself back into the work environment and when you get a job it won't be such a culture shock. But if you are claiming benefits, make sure you check to see if there are any limitations on what you can do.


70⟩ How would you assess your situation to go to work aster a career break?

Before you start getting ready to return to work, it is worth having a think about your situation. Potential employers will ask why you took the break, what you did and also why you want to come back. Consider your answers to these questions. They are not trick questions but if you do not think about how you would answer them, you can quickly look suspect.

Another thing to consider is what type of work you want to do. Do not just start applying in a panic, think about the hours, location and sector of your next employment. Again, if an employer does not think you are serious about the application, they will assume you are preparing to take another break and so will focus on another candidate.


71⟩ How would you consider your goal after returning from career break?

This is not a quick, or easy decision to make. It often takes a lot of soul searching and potentially negotiating with a significant other. The main thing is to not force a decision if you do not have an answer. If the answer is not coming to you, then simply dip your toe into all of the options, send out resumes and see where it lands you.

★ Do you want to return to the same career on the same career track?

★ Do you want to return to the same career but on a different career track?

★ Do you want to utilize your skills and talents to pursue freelance work?

★ Do you want to make a big change and never return to corporate?


72⟩ How would you work your resume to go to work after a career break?

If your career break was a significant amount of time, it will look odd if you do not include some information about what you got up to on your resume. If you did not have any employment, include a 'relevant experience' section. Ensure that anything listed is tied in with a desirable characteristic for an employee. Alternatively, if you were incredibly busy, list events as if they were a job, summarizing what skills you learnt along the way.

The experience and skills you gained before the break are important too, so ensure you highlight them. Make sure you really emphasis your achievements, it does not matter if they took place a year ago, you still achieved it.

If the gaps in your resume make you uncomfortable, try using a functional resume format instead. This focuses on skills and experience rather than dates of job titles. This is not for everyone, so do some research first.


73⟩ Explain how to have a positive and confident attitude about your career break experience after returning?

One of the most important things to possess as you are working your way back into the workforce again is to have confidence in your ability to do so. If you do not believe that your career break was beneficial and you are simply trying to create a sales pitch, then it will not be as successful. As you converse with future employers and network with colleagues, you must ooze confidence about your career break.


75⟩ Why should you make new friends for dealing with reverse cultural shock after a career break?

Your career break experience has changed you and while you may return home hoping to reconnect with your old friends, you may find it easier to seek out new friends, fellow travelers who understand who you are now.

★Accept that you are not the same.

★Spend time with those who accept the new you and start making new friends.

So keep in mind that adjusting to life back home will take some time. As long as you are aware of the signs of reverse culture shock, the better prepared you will be to deal with it.


77⟩ How would you prepare for interviews after returning from career break?

Understand how your travels contribute to who you are. This may take some careful retrospection, however if you kept a blog or journal while traveling it may become a bit easier. Consider what you learned in the various countries and cultures you experienced and how would that apply to doing business internationally.

Examine your experiences and then try to the following questions:

★ How have my life-goals changed?

★ How have my career goals changed?

★ What qualities have I strengthened to make me a better team player?

★ What qualities have I strengthened to make me a better leader?

Next consider what questions you will be asked in a typical interview and have answers prepared and practiced for these types of questions:

★ Why did you decide to take a career break and travel?

★ What was the most memorable experience and why?

★ Did you have any important revelations?

★ Why are you back?

Keep in mind the company may think that taking a career break is irresponsible and means you could leave them at a moments notice too, therefore, be prepared to explain how loyal and committed you are.


79⟩ Why should you spend time with those who accept the new you and start making new friends after returning from career break?

We joined the travel tribes group which is full of travellers who understand us. It always feels comfortable and easy to be with them. I still enjoy hanging out with my closest friends but it is nice to be a different me with others as well. So keep in mind that adjusting to life back home will take some time. As long as you are aware of the signs of reverse culture shock, the better prepared you will be to deal with it.


80⟩ How would you nail the cover letter to go to work after a career break?

It is important to say from the get go that you had a career break. Explain why you took it and why you want to come back.

If you are returning to the same career, say you can not wait to return to what you love doing. If you are embarking on a new career, emphasis how you are excited about the new challenge. Be clear that you know this is what you want to do and that you have fully considered it.

If you can start immediately, make sure you include that in your cover letter too.